"He's More a Hero than You will Ever Be."

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"Say Genos, why am I here again?" You sighed, a little uncomfortable at all the people in business suits and the amount of heroes that walked about.

"It's only going to take a moment Y/N. The Association said it was brief." Genos replied as the two walked through the hugs set of arches that leads to the Association's main building. Instead of that small skyscraper, the place was now almost the size of a huge city, all materials made of indestructible material. Rooms had been built to house heroes, and you see groups of them either fighting other groups or just lazily chilling about the courtyard. It felt like going to a university.

"Sure Genos, and Saitama isn't going to sleep all day again today..." You teased. Usually, these meetings ended up pretty long,

"I promise to make it as brief as possible. You did want to go into the main shopping area still." Genos said. Unknown to you, when you had showed interest in going to City A to shop at the newly built supermarkets on the premises of the Association's new base, Saitama had instantly cornered the blonde and threatened that if he didn't take you during one of his next meetings he would drop Genos' discipleship. Needless to say, the point was taken.

"Thanks Genos. I'll wait here." You smiled; Genos paused, still not moving.

"Don't move from that spot." Genos mock threatened.

"Yes mom." You said, your voice rising in pitch like a child.

True to your word, you parked yourself in that one spot on one the indoor benches. You immediately grew restless. You weren't the most patient of people, but you did manage to distract yourself with a territorial dispute between two Class A heroes.

"It's revolting isn't it?" a sickly sweet voice said next to you. The figure beside you was tall, his outfit sporting expensive brands as he brushed the long locks of blue hair from his face. You grimaced in response. He might look pretty, but you could tell what a sleaze-bag he was. Who uses that much hair gel anyway?

"I'm sorry?" You asked, not quite getting where this guy way coming from.

"Those two over there. They are Class A heroes, and yet here they are, fighting over which side of the playpen is theirs. Absolutely disgusting..." The figure spoke, flashing her his brilliant smile. You only frowned back.

"They're just guys. Guys always do weird stuff like that." You reminded him, thinking back to the pretty hilarious arguments Saitama and Genos got into.

"Are you Genos' girlfriend?" The stranger asked, and you threw him a look. Who the hell did this guy think he was?

"Ah. No. I'm not. I'm just hanging out with him today."

"So you do know him?

You felt your eye twitch.

"Can I help you somehow?" You asked annoyed. Why didn't he just leave already?

"Say, why don't you ditch Genos and come hang out with me." He was now in front of you, leaning down so he was now eye level. Anger rose inside of you.

"Look, I have no idea who you are. So would you please leave? You repel me." He looked stunned at her words.

"No idea... you must be confused. I'm Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask!"

"That is literally the dumbest, most egotistical thing I have ever heard." These charades were getting pretty boring now, you mused. His frustration was evident.

"So you are saying that you would rather hang out with a class S failure, than the beautiful and popular Class A hero Sweet Mask?" He seethed. Strangely, the only thing you felt was calm rage.

"I didn't see you out there helping them." You bit back, and surprised Sweet Mask with the harsh tone.

"A city was destroyed because of them!"

"Look, you have a pretty bullshit way of inflicting justice. They might have not been able to stop that initial attack, but they did stop anyone else from becoming a victim." Your voice didn't stop as you gave him an evil look. "And where were you? Filming some dumb movie right? You're a hypocrite."

Sweet Mask seemed to be battling between walking away and murdering you on the spot. Where was Genos when you needed him?

"You can't honestly believe that." He finally replied.

"I believe Genos is more of a hero than you will ever be!" And with that you stood, finally becoming confrontational. It was a battle of wills as the staring contest began. You would have thrown a punch in his direction if a cough hadn't broken you from the trance.

"I'm done Y/N." Genos came from nowhere, and he slid his body intentionally between yours and Sweet Mask. Sweet Mask's gaze went from you to the cyborg, hate being the only thing that filled his eyes. He suddenly threw both hands in the air, as if surrendering.

"I shall then excuse myself." With that, Sweet Mask vanished into the crowd. "See you around Y/N..." You stuck a middle finger after him. You turned back to Genos, ignoring the confrontation for the moment.

"So are you ready to go Genos? How was the meeting?" Genos didn't speak. "Genos?" You asked, ignoring what had just happened to you. Genos was silent for a few more minutes.

"It was fine. Just the obligatory update of information. Let's get going."He suddenly grabbed your elbow and guided you towards the exit.

You couldn't help but notice Genos smile a little.


"Ah, so did you get fired?" Saitama asked the cyborg when he returned home, not before Genos made sure Y/N was safely in her own place. His stance seemed off.

"I ran into Sweet Mask."


"He was talking to Y/N." Saitama freezed.

"Really." It wasn't a question, it was barely concealed contempt.

"She called him a hypocrite. An egotistical prick."

Saitama's face was priceless as he rolled around on the futon, the laugh clear and genuine.

"Seriously? That's amazing! She really knows how to speak her mind!" Saitama couldn't help but be a little proud. Genos watched as his sensei's face went from laughter, to a very subtle blush as he quieted.

That day, Genos vowed, he would not rest until his sensei and Y/N were a couple.

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