"Say It Again?"

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***Warning: there are curse words. But I feel if you have read this far you already know that XD. Poor Genos, guy can't catch a break. I plan to make him a focal point of the next chapter. But I decided I NEEDED to write our newly made OTP after last chapter's dramatic turn of events. I like chapters where couples just do nothing but hang out with each other. Although I do want to eventually build some....ahem....sexual tension.....(I just want an excuse to write future kiss scenes)***

"I feel like we're being watched." You mused, the bald man beside you lazily tilting his head towards you.
"Why do you say that?" Saitama stated, both elbows coming to rest on the table in front of you.
"I just get this feeling." You sipped the soda in your hands, the straw making a very loud slurp sound as the contents began dwindling. You were very aware of the blonde head of hair that was trying to hide behind the booth in the corner. You were also pretty sure that Saitama had noticed too, at least, you hoped so. Said man in front of you raised an eyebrow.
"Hmm..." He hummed, and you in turn raised your own eyebrow.
"What?" You laughed at the look on his face.
"You're wearing that color." He said, taking a bite of the Wcdonald's burger and chewing it thoughtfully.
"Yeah? You don't like it?" You looked down as you asked, absentmindedly wiping the crumbs. This conversation seemed oddly familiar.
"I thought you didn't like that color." Saitama swallowed, and you frowned a bit.
"But you do." You reprimanded, and Saitama almost dropped the burger at the accusation.
"Yeah, well I...You look....pretty in it." Saitama was looking at anything but you again, and you had to giggle at the sudden shyness he was exuding. In response, you took one of the longer French fries (his favorite) and stuffed it into his mouth, his surprised grunt not displeased as he took the greasy concoction into his mouth.
"Keep sweet talking me and you may get another one." A finger tapped the gloss covered lips of your mouth. He smirked in response.
"I'm sure I can get one even without doing so." He outright laughed at your blush, and a glance at your wristwatch circled your conversation back to the topic you had been discussing all day.
"So is this our date or are we actually going somewhere?" Saitama shrugged at the question.
"Well, Genos said that grocery shopping wasn't considered a date, so he opted I search into more recreational things, whatever that means." Saitama had just stuck another fry in his mouth as you stared thoughtfully at it.
"Well, it has to be someplace we both enjoy." You began.
"Genos made that point very clear this morning." Saitama continued.
You both stared at each other in silence.
"You wanna go to the manga store?" Saitama suddenly asked, and you smiled jovially at it.
The manga store was situated on the corner of the Z City downtown, tucked away in its own little niche on the street. Anime figures were lined in a display case at the front window, and you stopped when a particular cute one caught your eye. It was from your favorite magical girl anime, and it had your favorite character in probably the cutest outfit that had ever been designed for the anime.
"Holy shit Saitama, that figure is so fucking cute." You squeaked. He glanced at it before his eyes averted to a figure a little to the right.
"It's alright." He said, and you elbowed him in the side.
"I'm sorry if not every anime character can be an overly powered badass." You teased referring to his favorite character as you walked into the store with him close behind.
"I know. It's really tough being me." He said seriously, and he dodged another light swat you threw his way. He wasn't wrong though.
There was a comfortable silence that fell between the two of you as you skimmed the thousand of titles. Saitama every once in a while bumped into you, and at one point reached above you to grab a volume, his chest flush against your back. You felt your heart skip a beat, even as he skimmed through the volume as if nothing had happened.
The bastard was teasing and he didn't even know it.
"Ugh." You sighed, burying your nose in the manga you held, inhaling the smell of press pages of ink.
"I don't understand why you like that stuff." Saitama didn't look up at you, and you realized you were in fact holding a shoujo romance story.
"It's cute for like the first ten chapters. But then it gets overly complex when they start adding all this weird rival drama." You had already gathered the basic plot just by skimming through it.
"Isn't the whole point for the main characters to get together? Why even have a bunch of rivals?" Saitama was looking at it over your shoulder now, and you flipped another page as you flipped another generic page over.
"It's not very realistic to be honest. Besides," You stated, closing the book, "They always do tend to fall a bit flat when the main characters get together. They spend so much time with that forced drama crap that they forget to develop the relationship." You slid it easily back into place, eyes meeting his. He seemed to be contemplating something, but stayed silent.
"Speaking of drama, you've noticed Genos has been lurking in the background for about an hour right?" Saitama whispered suddenly close. You laughed quietly.
"I noticed him enter. Think we can sneak past him? He seems pretty engrossed with whatever he is reading..." You whispered back.
Saitama responded by motioning silently towards the front desk. You got the hint, giving your items to him so he could pay, while you snuck out the door. A few moments later, Saitama exited with a bag in hand, looking back every once in a while.
"How long until you think he notices?" You kept a steady stride with the much taller male as you headed back home. The streets were a bit busier, now that the night crowd was moving in.
"Probably until we get home. We won't hear the end of it." Saitama droned, and you saw a bead of sweat roll down his temple at the prospect.
"Well, besides our stalker, I still had a lot of fun. Let's do a movie next! Air conditioning and popcorn is a combination you can't beat." You grinned, and Saitama suddenly stopped, making you look at him.
You swallowed. "Yeah?"
"I love you."
It actually made you freeze in place, and if a heart could melt then yours did. You reached for his empty palm, squeezing the flesh of his palm softly. You were sure your blush had reached the tips of your ears. He squeezed back.
"Say it again?"
"I love you Y/N." He said more determined this time. You could have squealed, but you schooled your features.
"I love you too."
The rest of the way you walked home, hand in hand, comfortable in the calm silence of being in each other's company.
It wasn't until you actually had entered your apartment, unpacking the manga from the bags, did you speak again.
"What is this?" You yelled for Saitama, who was brushing his teeth. Genos still hadn't returned, thankfully. Saitama stuck his head out of the bathroom door.
"Oh that. I thought it was actually pretty cute."
A magical girl figure now sat on your shelf, and you stood proudly while beholding the first gift from Saitama as a couple.

Well, you did, before Genos came home.

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