"Of Cyborg and Sensei"

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***I really love Genos. He and Shigeo from Mob Psycho 100 are precious children who need to be protected. I really wanted to affirm what Genos actually means to both Y/N and Saitama, and the kind of teacher/student relationship they kind of share. Anyway, time to figure out next chapter? Suggestions? I feel like I've hit a roadblock. Maybe something with Sonic? Haven't decided...***

"Do you think he likes vanilla?"
"The dude's a cyborg. How am I supposed to know?"
You smacked your boyfriend with the spatula, grinning when he yelped a bit at the unexpected slap.
"Come on, take this seriously. This is for Genos." You retorted, going back to stirring the batter while looking over the recipe once more.
"You've drawn my face on every egg in the carton and you're telling me to be serious..." Saitama mused, looking at the cracked egg versions of himself and you couldn't help but burst into laughter.
"They look just like you, admit it."
Saitama only grunted in response, his attention drawn to the TV where Genos could be seen fighting monsters.
"He's gotten better." Saitama hummed, his face in an expressionless mask but his eyes focused.
"He's got you for a sensei." You kissed his cheek as you passed, setting the apron to the side as you leaned against the counter. "Now we wait for it to bake."
"We could have just bought a cake." Saitama argued, but you threw him an offended look.
"It's not every day a young man turns twenty Tama...I remember yours." You reminisced and Saitama gave you a small smile.
"It's been five years since then...back when I had hair." Saitama deflated a little, and you laughed as you ran your fingers over his bald head, nails lightly scraping against the skin.
"I like you the way you are now. I do from time to time miss the hair though. You always had soft hair."
Saitama only sighed in defeat, but leaned more into your touch as you continued raking your nails. "Do you think it really matters to him anyway? This coming from us?"
"I think it does. He's...lost a lot for someone so young." The phrase made you a little sad, and Saitama reached up to grab the hand that had been massaging the back of his scalp.
"I hope he feels that way. I feel like I'm scamming him."
You smiled a bit. "But you care for him."
Saitama was silent in response. Neither of you could deny the impact the cyborg had made to your daily lives. Without him the apartment seemed empty, almost lifeless. There was no denying that Genos was the only one capable of handling both of you at once; both Saitama's incredibly dense nature and your knack to attract trouble. He had, on numerous occasions, gone above and beyond (and usually overboard) in protecting you both. It broke your heart, seeing a kid on the verge of manhood so serious. He was just...so grown up when he shouldn't be.
You and Saitama agreed that it wasn't fair.
You both would give him the normalcy that life had taken from him. Well, as normal as two people like you could.
"You're worried." You noticed the way Saitama's eyes would drift back to the TV, almost unconsciously.
"He always goes too far." Saitama said, and just as the last syllable left his mouth, the TV suddenly increased in volume.
"...it seems the monsters are pushing Demon Cyborg back! All citizens are to leave the area immediately!" You cast a worried glance back at Saitama, whose eyes hadn't left the screen.
"I know. I'll go." Saitama was already moving for the door, stumbling into his track suit and hurriedly putting his gloves and boots on. You stood in the hallway, watching him as he paused at the doorway.
"Bring him back home ok?" You asked, the concern in your tone made Saitama's posture straighten a bit.
"Ok." And Saitama was gone.
He was gone for a suspiciously long time, you noticed; even when about an hour and a half later you took the hot cake from the oven. You sent several texts to both Genos and Saitama while you waited it to cool, with no reply from either. You weren't too concerned; Saitama could handle anything they threw at him. It was when you had just finished decorating the cake that you heard the buzz of your phone. A quick glance at the screen identified the caller.
"Tama? Where the hell are you?"
"Y/N. It's Genos." Saitama said, and the way he sounded sent a shiver down your spine.
"What's wrong with Genos?" Your voice rose unnaturally.
"It's bad. He...he is in emergency care with Dr. Kuseno right now." Saitama said, and you could tell that he was barely holding it together.
"I'll be right there." You hung up the phone and practically flew out of the apartment. The laboratory was a bit far from home, enough to take the train, but the only thought that occupied your mind was Genos. You barely registered when you had stepped off the train and didn't even remember when you had arrived to the front door, but the moment you entered the lab Saitama gave you the most pained expression he had ever given.
"Where is he? Is he okay? What happened?" The questions flew from your lips before you had a chance to process. Saitama had to intake a large gulp of air before speaking.
"He's getting fixed. I don't know if he's okay. He's been in for an hour. Shit, I...I never should have let it escalate that far. One minute he was doing fine and then the next...I meant to call earlier." Saitama answered as fast as he could, ending with an apology and you pulled the muscular man in for a hug.
"He... He'll be okay." You spoke, lifting Saitama's head to look directly into his eyes, "He's strong."
"It's his birthday." Saitama finally said, face stoic, and that one sentence had your eyes water.
"I know."
Finally, Dr. Kuseno emerged from the other side of the door, sweating, but there was an air of calm about him.
"Doctor, how is...?" You began, but he held a hand up to stop you.
"His systems are resting. It's lucky that you got him here so fast. The damage to his core was extensive; I had to be delicate with it. He probably won't remember anything after that initial hit to the system, but as far as the backup systems they seem to be working fine. He'll be good as new once I get his spares." Dr. Kuseno finished, and you actually felt Saitama sag against you in relief.
"When can he come home?" You asked, and Dr. Kuseno rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
"I've got most of the spares already. The damage was mostly to the chest area so it's not a full body replacement. If you wait a bit I should be able to get it done today."
"Thanks doc." Saitama replied, and you turned to the bald man just as he rested against the wall.
"Do you want to go grab something to eat? It's going to be a few hours I'm sure." You asked, and Saitama took another deep breath before looking back to you.
"Yeah... yeah let's go."
The chopsticks in your hand felt like lead as you swirled the noodles in the broth. Saitama hadn't even touched his food, opting to stare into the udon bowl as he remained impassive.
"Tama, talk to me."
He didn't respond at first, looking off to the side as he rested his chin in his clasped hands. Finally, after a gentle prod of the chopsticks in your hand, he spoke.
"I don't know if I can keep doing this Y/N."
You were a bit stunned at that. "Doing what?"
"Pretending to actually be Genos' sensei."
You took another stir of the noodles again, watching the steam rise. "You are his sensei."
"No, I'm not. I'm a shit instructor. I just wanted him to get off my back when I told him to aim for the top ten in S class." He replied.
You frowned. "That was a bit reckless, but he's just as reckless as you. He wants to be stronger. He wants to impress you."
He shook his head, almost as if to clear his thoughts. "I'm not worth impressing." He sighed and rested both forearms on the table, another moment of silence stretching on between the two of you as you silently ate.
"I never expected I would care this much." He finally said.
You smiled. "Tama, as much as we may not address it, we've become that boy's guardians." You softly squeezed his wrist, "He needs us as much as we need him."
"I don't remember ever being as ambitious as him at that age." Saitama mumbled, finally taking a bite of the noodles from the bowl as you pondered the statement.
"You also never had a traumatic life experience like him either. Look, I think we both have failed him this time around." Saitama went to interject but you stopped him, "Yes, both of us. I...we...haven't laid any ground rules with Genos. He needs to learn to take care of himself better."
"I don't want to see him like that ever again." Saitama said, and the seriousness of the inflection made you squeeze him a little tighter. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence as you awaited the cyborg's return.
"Sensei, Y/N, what is this?"
"Genos, just sit down and eat it." Saitama commanded, and the cyborg sat heavily against the wooden floorboards as he stared down at the plate in front of him.
"Did you make this?" Genos asked you, and you couldn't help the smile that formed on your lips.
"Yeah. Do you like it?" You asked. Honestly, you weren't even sure if he could really taste a difference with his taste sensors.
"It's...good. It's very sweet." Genos said.
"Well, it is your birthday."
The phrase made Genos stop his motions, fork frozen in midair. "My birthday?" He asked, brows furrowed.
"As in, the day you were born." Saitama affirmed confusedly. Genos placed the utensil back on the ceramic.
"It is?" Genos said, and it only confirmed your suspicions. Genos had not had a birthday since the incident. At least, not since his enhancements. A look in Saitama's direction let you know he was coming to the same conclusion.
"Genos, I think it's time we talked." You stated, watching his eyes dart confusingly between Saitama and you.
"Have I done something wrong?"
"No, no. Shit Genos, you've done nothing wrong." Saitama grumbled, but it was you who took the reins of the conversation.
"What he means is that we are worried about you."
"You and sensei do not have to worry about me."
"You can tell us that but we'll worry anyway." Saitama remarked, and you elbowed him in the side, a silent plea to be quiet as you tried to handle the situation.
"Genos, you really scared us today. You could have died." You emphasized, and Genos seemed to sit a bit straighter.
"Dr. Kuseno said that the damage to my core was not that major. My backup systems were still in effect..."
"Damn it Genos that's not the point!" Saitama yelled, and Genos seemed to freeze. You cringed internally. You didn't think you had ever heard Saitama yell at Genos like that.
"You can't just...go overboard like that! If you're going to be a hero, you need to take better care of your body so you can protect what you have to." Saitama reprimanded, and you couldn't help but notice that in this moment, Saitama looked like the teacher he didn't believe himself to be.
"I..." Genos started.
"We want to protect you too idiot. So don't keep making Y/N and I worried every time you go onto the battlefield." Saitama seemed to be losing steam, his anger dissipating at the look on Genos' face.
"I... had... no idea. Forgive me Saitama sensei! Forgive me Y/N!" Genos immediately bowed low to the ground as he addressed you both. Immediately you took a hand to his shoulder.
"Hey, we forgive you. Now hurry and eat this cake I made you and unwrap that gift that Tama has so clumsily wrapped. It is your birthday after all." You smiled.
It wasn't until after the dishes were put away did Genos speak to you again.
"Y/N, can I have more birthdays like this?" Genos asked, and he looked more like a kid with those pleading eyes.

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