"Protect in My Own Way"

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***** So I've decided that I'll continue this all the way, and I mean ALL the way until I think of a satisfying conclusion. I originally didn't know if I would ever finish this. But then the bombed dropped. One Punch Man, Season 2. I'm done. I've died. And after enjoying Mob Psycho so much I've decided on making Shigeo a part of this story as well (not until the end probably since this IS a OPM fanfiction and NOT a crossover technically). Thank you everyone who has been so patient with me. I'm really enjoying writing this. Also, in celebration of getting FREAKING SEASON 2 WHICH I STILL CANNOT BELIEVE, I was wondering if there was anything you wanted me to specifically write about? Something maybe I've not covered or missed? Please leave comments and suggestions! Thank you again!*****

You were used to the hate that Saitama received from people. You had made it a habit to throw the offending items in the trash every time you sifted through the mail from the association. The less Saitama saw of it the better. Genos also had the funny habit of burning said papers when you weren't looking, but you silently approved this behavior by not saying anything.
But this? This you weren't sure how to handle.
Genos inspected the pink item in his hands, flipping it over and eyes widening at the words scrawled across the front. You raised an eyebrow quizzically, drawing Saitama's attention to the cyborg.
"Another fan letter for you Genos?" Saitama mumbled, and you rubbed his back soothingly. He really deserved more fans, you thought.
"Not for me. For you." Genos replied, handing the letter over to his sensei, not noticing the way your eyes followed it and your hand froze mid-rub.
Saitama was giving an expressionless look to his name that was scrawled in glitter pen across the address line, but your eyebrows were to your hairline. His name was surrounded in glitter hearts and you fought the urge to roll your eyes.
"Should I read it?" Saitama asked.
"It is yours sensei." Genos replied, and you bit your tongue.
He shrugged in response, tearing open the seal and unfolding the equally as pink lined paper inside. You smelled the lemon scent wafting in the air before he even finished unfolding. Saitama scrunched in nose, very slightly but enough for you to notice, in response.
"Well?" You urged, trying to read over his shoulder as his eyes scanned the page.
"...is it normal for fans to put things like 'I can't stop thinking about you.' Or 'I love the way your muscles flex when you punch stuff.'?" Saitama asked, deadpanned but completely serious. Your eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets, instantly snatching the item from his hand despite his protests. You read over the letter more slowly, rereading it over and over. Finally, it clicked in your head what you were holding.
The pink envelope.
The glittery pens.
The lemon scented paper.
"Those are usually what mine put in theirs." Genos input from the side, eyes trying to zero in on the letter in your hands.
"Aren't yours usually really crazy though?" Saitama retorted, idly glancing over many of Genos' fan letters almost jealously.
"I've found some female fans are overzealous in their appreciation." Genos stated matter-of-factly, earning a quiet 'oh' from his sensei.
Meanwhile, you could only stare at the pink paper like it was an omen. Sure, it was nice that Saitama was being recognized, but something about the whole situation unsettled you. The fact that another girl was sending him love letters made your heart clench and stomach twist painfully. You took a breath. No this wasn't a love letter, this was just some crazy fan-girl. Fan-girl's you could handle. Eventually, you folded the letter and placed it back into the envelope, handing it back to Saitama. You had no right to take away this little bit happiness, considering the amount of hatred he tended to attract.
"It's nice that you finally have such a dedicated fan." You smiled, but the smile didn't quite reach your eyes and Saitama stared at the envelope and letting a small smile grace his lips.
A knocking at the door made you mute the TV you had been watching. At first you didn't move, wondering if the person would knock again. It was rare to get visitors to this section of the city. Another knock resounded and you were on your feet. The knocks increased in volume until you finally opened the door.
"Can I help yo-" You started, coming face to face with another girl. She was a bit younger than you, black hair pinned back with cute bobby pins as her blue eyes tried to look behind you.
"Is he here?" She asked, seeming to burst with excitement as she bounced in place.
"Genos isn't here right now." You assumed she was talking about Genos. It wouldn't be the first time a girl had stalked him home.
"No...no. He's about this tall," She started, taking a hand and putting it slightly higher than her head as she continued, "no hair. Are you his neighbor?"
You had half a mind to close the door.
"Saitama's not home either. What do you want with him?" You asked, albeit a bit rudely. You had a bad feeling...
"I was wondering if he got my letter. Do you know when he'll be home? You're his neighbor right? Do you think I could stay with you until he comes?"
"I don't know when he will be home." Was all you replied, hoping it would be enough to deter her from entering your apartment. She didn't budge.
"Are you sure? Can't you call him?"
"Tama doesn't usually answer his phone during work." You slapped a hand to your mouth. You had used his nickname, maybe she wouldn't notice?
The girl gave you a dirty look. "Are you close to him?"
You almost spat out the next sentence. "I'm his girlfriend." The girl seemed to assess you more closely now, a finger to her lips.
"Girlfriend? The forums didn't say anything about Caped Baldy being in a relationship." She accused, seeming to reach for a pen and paper as she said it.
"Don't believe everything you read online, besides, it's really none of your business. Look, what do you really want?" You snapped. The girl seemed to fidget for a bit before finally looking you in the face.
"I'm with the newspaper. I figured I could get the scoop on the Class B that everyone calls a cheat. I even sent him that letter...maybe I should try a different approach?" She seemed to murmur the last part to herself, jotting notes in her small spiral and you pinched the bridged of your nose.
"Just get out of here." You demanded.
"Not until I get my scoop. This is the perfect chance! How long have you been his girlfriend? How does it feel to date what people are calling the scum of the Hero Association? Wait...didn't you also say something about Genos? Do you mean Demon Cyborg? That Genos?" She fired the questions so fast you almost forgot the next phrase that left your mouth.
"Get the hell out of our apartment building lady. I don't want your fake enthusiasm, and I don't give a damn about your story. Saitama is not some stepping stone for your career, and I won't take any rude comments about him while I'm still breathing, especially in my own home. He's more of a hero than any of those so called Class S you lot worship okay? As for Genos, I have no further comments about our relationship. And don't send any more letters either; you may not like the results if you do ..." It was a tiny threat, but one you knew Genos would carry out if you asked.
"But!" She started, but you cut her off.
"No more questions." And you slammed the door.
You didn't breathe as you lay back against the door, listening to the reporter on the other side who seemed more disgruntled. The reporter seemed to contemplate hanging about, but as the sun began to set the reporter seemed to get more nervous, until finally you heard her footsteps retreat. You sighed, breathing in deeply before heading back to your muted TV. Your eyes landed on the pink envelope still left on the table, grabbing it hastily in anger. You were about to tear the offending item in half before you paused. He...he had looked so happy. There was no mistaking the small amount of joy that had crossed Saitama's eyes as he read his first piece of gratitude from someone that wasn't you or Genos. Saitama didn't care about public opinion, but... you couldn't destroy something that made him so elated, even if it was a fake. You placed the letter back in its place on the table. Maybe you'd keep this to yourself, for his sake.
Just this once, you'd protect Saitama in your own way.

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