Kisses™ and Kisses

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***A Halloween Special! It's short, cute, and right up my alley this spooky day. Hope you guys had a lot of candy this year! I also forgot to post this on Wattpad the other day, so here it is two days late lmao***

He notices that look in your eyes again.
It's becoming more frequent, that look, and he wonders why it's taken him so long to realize what exactly it means.
No, he knows what it means, at least he thinks he does, but acting on it terrifies him. It's a paralyzing fear, something that actually makes his heart race. It makes it race more than any fight, and these...feelings...are so overwhelming he sometimes feels he will burst. He feels like that now, watching the way your eyes flicker about the passerby people as you stuff another bag of candy into the basket.
"I don't like Butterfingers..." He blurts out, and the thought in your eyes disappears, if only for a moment, to give him a bemused look.
"Picky today aren't we?" You chide, taking another bag of said candy, "Okay Mr. Strong Guy, what candy do you want?"
He watches the way your lips curve into a smirk and completely forgets the question.
"Kisses." He says without thought, and you give him an odd expression in return. He's completely serious, with a deadpan voice to match, and leans a little closer to you. He almost falls over when he realizes you aren't leaning in for a kiss, and instead is reaching to the left of him and grabs a silver bag from the shelf.
"Since when did you become a Hershey's guy? I could've sworn you would say Snickers." You remark lightly, shrugging and he rubs the spot between his eyes with the base of his palm. He would need a Snickers if this continued.
"Hey Tama..." You say thoughtfully, and he redirects his attention to your profile, which is slightly turned away from him. He follows your line of sight to a couple standing a ways down the aisle, completely lost in a world that only includes them. He doesn't fail to notice the ways your face changes as you watch the newlyweds.
"Yeah Y/N?" He acknowledges, the couple disappearing round the corner.
He isn't satisfied with that answer, but he doesn't bring it up as you bring the items to the cashier.
"Isn't it cheaper to buy candy after Halloween." He groans. You nudge him in the stomach.
"Just shut up and pay for the candy. Where's your spooky Halloween spirit?" You laugh, even as he hands the money over and the thought of next week's pork sale flashes across him mind almost as if in mockery.
"We don't even get trick or treaters where we live." He adds, and you stick out your tongue teasingly.
"I never said this candy was for them."
It's silent for about half a block before he notices it once more.
"You're doing it again."
The phrase startles you from your reverie. "Sorry?"
"You go off into space whenever you see a couple on the street. Why do you do that?"
Your silence is what unnerves him the most, and for a moment he doesn't think you will answer.
"Just...debating is all." You answer, and it's even more confusing than the question itself.
"Debating? What the hell does that mean?"
He's trapped you in the futon and he isn't quite sure what to do with you.
At this point he's waiting for you to wake up, because he knows if he doesn't trap you right here and now then you'll try to dodge the question again. He loves watching you sleep, and that's the case even now, but he's anxious to speak to you. He doesn't want to let this opportunity pass. It's only ten o'clock at night, and the scary movie you two had been watching is still playing the background, a pastime that you both can enjoy (or at least fall asleep to).
Eventually, you finally wake, and you startle just a bit before relaxing in his arms again.
"Hey? What's up?" You yawn, and he resists the urge to just let you fall back asleep. He has to be stern, for now. He's rested comfortably above you, finding that he likes looking down at you in this way.
"What's been eating at you?"
"Well currently, my urge to pee is eating at me, but I'm assuming you mean something more specific."
"Y/N..."He warned, "You know that isn't what I meant."
You huff in reply, blowing the hair from your eyes. "You mean what happened earlier today."
"Y/N...are you...unsatisfied...with me?" He asks, and your eyes widen in response, and he was suddenly aware of both of your hands clapping onto either side of his head with a bruising force. He found it amusing that thunder and lightning crashed through the volume of the television as the movie blared in beside you.
"Unsatisfied? What would make you think..." You freeze mid sentence and then one of your hands falls back to rest against your forehead, "Of course that's what you'd think. No, it's nothing like that at all. Quite the opposite actually."
"Still not following..."He mumbles, reaching over to pop one of the many Kisses candy from the bowl on the floor into his mouth.
He blinks. "What?"
"I was...thinking what it would like to be married." Your face flames as you repeated it slower. Saitama is stock still in response.
"To me?" He chokes out, almost forgetting the chocolate in his mouth.
"No, to Genos." And you laugh as he sputters, "Of course to you idiot."
He can't describe the feeling that suddenly blooms in his chest. He can't recall ever feeling it before today; not before his training nor after in the heat of battle.
"You really mean it." He phrases it like a question, but he's more awestruck at the realization. You giggle underneath him.
"Yeah, obviously. Unless you don't...?" And the doubt crosses your face and he sets to right it immediately.
"I want to. I very much want to." He chuckles now that his fears has been quelled, "We don't have to rush into things though."
"I agree. And I much prefer you not propose to me while I'm in my pajamas. However..." you reach over and grab another chocolate. "I want a kiss."
You easily unwrap the silver foliage and pop the candy into your mouth. He watches the motion intensely and is completely floored when you grab the back of his head and meet him in an open mouth kiss, chocolate and all.

"Happy Halloween Tama."

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