"Honestly, I Can't Take You Anywhere!"

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***A/N So yeah, this is one of THOSE chapters. You know, the kind of thing that's in every one of romance fanfiction you read. But damn, do I fucking love it XD Anyway enjoy!***

"What are you doing here Tama?" You asked, a bit annoyed at the nonchalant way he stood in front of you.

"Can't a guy go out to eat?" Saitama quirked his head to side. Genos stood beside him, stiff in his posture. He looked ready to flee at the first thing that moved. He glanced nervously at the patrons around the udon restaurant, some girls giggling upon recognition of him. Poor Genos.

"We bought all that udon yesterday. Go eat at home."

"But Y/N..." he drawled, extending the last syllable of your name out like a child.

"Fine! Go sit somewhere and I'll take your order in a sec. And don't you even think about doing the super-spicy mega-monster challenge again." You bustled past them and attended to the other customers. You couldn't help but breathe in deeply, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration. He was so infuriating! If only you could tell what he was thinking half the time...

"'Cuse me miss!" You heard a voice call to you. You turned around to face the customer, a fake smile plastered on your face.

"I'm sorry sir, is there something you need?" You feigned politeness.

"Bring another bottle of sake!" He hiccuped, and you could feel the cracks in your pleasant facade. This was not what you wanted to deal with right now.

"Of course!" You piped before rushing to the back to pick up another bottle of the alcohol. You moved on autopilot as you continued to think about the duo who sat outside. Why did he feel the need to be so unfathomable? You didn't even realize you had already brought the customer the bottle until he started talking to you.

"Why don't you sit here a while." He slurred. You awoke from your stupor.

"I think not sir. I have some other customers to attend to." You rushed as you inched your way away.

"Don't be like that now." The man said while he roughly grabbed your arm, followed by a wandering left hand that roughly grabbed your behind. You felt your whole being freeze, before white hot anger grew inside you. You immediately slapped the guy full on in the face, followed by a swift kick to the crotch.

"You creep!" You shrieked, using the tray in your hand as a shield for your upper body.

"You little bitch!" He screamed, suddenly standing up. You stood your ground, the glare from your gaze like ice. You weren't afraid of what this asshole could dish out, but you gripped the waitress tray to your body even tighter. You were prepared for the punch that was coming, until suddenly the man was gone. You blinked once, then twice. What?

"Saitama?" You asked, suddenly realizing he was beside you. He didn't turn to look at you. Genos was on the other side of you, his eyes glowing yellow. Your boss was on the scene in the next moment.

"Y/N! Oh my gosh, are you okay?" The shop owner asked, fluttering about you.

"Uh. Yeah?" You questioned. You finally noticed the ruined wall to your left as the man from earlier lay sprawled in the rubble. Saitama's look was dark as he glared towards the unconscious figure.

"Look, take the rest of tonight and tomorrow off." Your boss said. You went to protest but he effectively cut you off. "I mean it."You folded your arms, nodding your head numbly as Saitama finally looked at you.

"We'll wait for you outside." Saitama said. You watched as Genos dialed what you guessed was the police as he eyed the man with disgust. Saitama's reaction though, or lack of a reaction more like, had completely thrown you for a loop.

You gathered your things up and met the duo outside. It was a silent walk back to the complex, and you felt suddenly uncomfortable. When you finally reached your door, you spun around.

"Thanks for walking me home guys. I can take it from here." You smiled, going to duck into the doorway when a hand stopped you.

"Genos go on inside. I need to speak to Y/N." He side glanced at Genos as he said this, giving the cue he wanted to be left alone. Genos was gone in the next instant.

"What's up Tama?" You meekly asked.

"What the hell were you thinking?"

"Excuse me?"

"You knew he was going to punch you."

You felt your cheeks flare a bit. "I can take care of myself."

"That's not the point!" Saitama yelled, slamming both palms on either side of you. He seemed to hesitate for a minute, and continued in a bit of a calmer voice. "Look, I know you can. But you should have come to me. I was a few feet away!" He continued.

"It's not a big deal..." you mumbled. Saitama seemed deflate a little as he rested his forehead on your shoulder.

"Not a big deal she says..." He breathed, "...how am I supposed to protect you huh?"

You felt your throat constrict suddenly just as Saitama pushed off the wall and opened the door to his house.


You were left standing in the hallway, your face burning up, followed by the loud beating of your heart.

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