"Heated Attractions"

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***So if any of you have been reading the comments, I am not dead. I've just been super busy, and not to mention working a lot lately. Anyway, enough excuses, here is a little tidbit because it's friggin' humid and torturous here where I live and I felt I needed to write this! More coming soon! Thank you once again everyone who has kept up with this and has not given up on me  Also, for the Wattpad readers, I've been updating this on Quotev but I am finally getting around to updating this again. Sorry it took so damn long XD***

It's not like you hadn't noticed.

It was hard not to, being as you lived with the man, but most of the time you were able to put it in the back of your mind.

The fact was that Saitama was, undeniably, hot.

He usually hid his muscular body under baggy hoodies and loose t-shirts, but on days like today where the heat was sweltering in the apartment, a small fan set on the floor blowing cool air directly onto you both, did he lay shirtless on the floor. You couldn't help as your eyes scanned over the outline of his chest, rippling abs, and leading up to well toned arms...

You suddenly slapped both hands over your face as you felt yourself redden. This was your best friend, your mostly emotionless, bald hero of a best friend. You peeked an eye through your fingers and looked at him again, sighing softly.

He was still so hot.

Saitama suddenly shifted on the floor, moving from lying on his back to lying on his side, one arm supporting his head as the other held the manga book on the floor open. From this angle, you could see the full front of his body in further detail. You inwardly groaned as you watched a bead of sweat roll from his collar bone down between the crevices that made his abs, before disappeared where the dips of his hips showed.

"Ugh!" You said, falling back so you were now lying face up towards the ceiling.

"What's wrong with you?" Saitama asked, turning a page.

"It's hot!" You groaned.

"Of course it is, it's almost boiling point outside." Saitama replied, not realizing your double entendre.

"Give me that fan. I need to cool down big time." You said, turning the fan so it cycled in your direction, yawning as you thought about the man across from you. You couldn't do this. Saitama was your best friend, if not one of the only ones you still had besides Genos. You didn't want to ruin that dynamic.

"Sensei, the clothes are hung." Genos said, stepping back into the apartment from the balcony. He wore his standard jeans and ripped sleeveless shirt and you could only sigh in response.

"How you handle this heat I will never understand Genos."

Genos just shrugged as he continued back to where he kept the rest of the laundry, heaving the basket into his hands before pausing at you. You could have sworn you saw a glint in his eyes.

"Y/N, you looked flushed. Are you sick?" Genos said, crouching down to where you lay. You looked up at him, squinting when he placed a cool steel hand on your forehead.

"Wha? No?" You replied. Genos ignored you as he looked at his sensei.

"Sensei, does she feel warm to you?" Genos asked, and you could hear Saitama grunt as he shifted behind you. Suddenly, you were spun around and were face to face with Saitama. You felt your cheeks flame even harder, if that was possible.

"You do feel a bit warm." Saitama whispered, and you felt his breath on your cheek as his forehead met yours. You gulped. His well defined jaw, his pointed chin, thin lips, all leading to the smoldering eyes with showed slight concern as they gazed at you. You broke eye connection the moment you noticed he was staring.

"Ah! No! I'm not sick. He's, IT'S, it's just so damn hot. Yeah, I'm going to go get a glass of water. To, ah, cool down." You stuttered, getting up slowly and making your way to the kitchen.

You couldn't help but notice Genos' smirk as he passed you.

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