"I'm Only Here for the Food."

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***A/N This was one of my favorite chapters to write, and my best friend's favorite one to read ;). The next part after this is actually going to be a special off-shoot of this chapter written by her, so keep a lookout for that! Also, if there are any spelling errors I apologize, I wrote this in third person and had to switch to first so....(ALSO protective Saitama is literally my favorite so expect that forever.) Thank you so much for reading!***

A knock on the door resounded throughout the duo-apartment. It was early in the afternoon, the heat of the day just starting to take its toll as the sun rose higher. You wiped the sweat from your forehead, duster in hand, and looked back towards the source of the sound. Saitama and Genos had been kicked out while you cleaned, so they shouldn't be back for a couple of hours. The knock sounded again.

"Coming!" You called, pulling the tie from your hair as you fluffed it a bit, trying to look more presentable. You opened it to see a man, in his early forties probably, standing outside.

"Oh, I apologize, I was looking for the home of S-class Genos and B-class Saitama..." He apologized, beginning to slowly turn away.

"Wait! This is the right place." You called out, stopping him from leaving. He turned back to you, seeming relieved for a second before straightening his shoulders a bit.

"That is a relief. Are you their maid?" He asked. You laughed for a good solid minute, realizing that's what you probably looked like with your little apron and hair bandana that was keeping the bangs from your eyes.

"They'd like to think that. No, I'm Y/N. I live here. With them." You added that last part hastily, catching the disapproving look in his eye. One girl living with two men; that was sure to get attention.

"Well, it doesn't matter I guess. I have a letter from the Hero Association. Please see that they receive it." The man bowed, before retreating down the steps of the apartment and into the car that was parked on the street.

You eyed the letter in your hand as you shut the door behind you, flipping it over to inspect the exterior. You had to admit it was fancy; a red wax seal, and, was that actual handwritten cursive you saw? Your fingers hovered over the opening, but hesitated. It wasn't any of your business. Probably just more hero stuff for Saitama to complain about later. You opted to place the letter on the table, picking up the duster you had set down before pulling your hair back into a ponytail.

"Alright house, I'm not finished with you yet."


You heard the door slam shut as you prepared the hotpot in the kitchen. Your hands didn't stop cutting the vegetables on the cutting board, even when you felt his presence behind you. You heard the fridge open and turned around just in time to see Saitama taking a large gulp from a water bottle.

"Welcome home." You said, leaning back against the counter. He looked back, swallowing after a minute.

"You finish everything you needed to?" He asked, and you could hear Genos shuffling in the living room.

"Yeah, you should really invest in Windex you know." You teased. He waved the comment off as he exited into the living area.

"I'll remind Genos to pick it up tomorrow." He said, eyeing the said cyborg when he entered the room. The cyborg was completely invested in the online forum of the Hero Association's website, and he could see him furiously typing away a comment. Leave it to the pyromaniac to start an Internet flame war. As he sat down, he suddenly noticed the letter lying in the middle of the table next to the supermarket ads. He picked it up, and spoke up as he read the front of the paper.

"Hey Y/n, what's this letter?" Saitama asked loudly so his voice could carry to where you were. Genos looked up from the screen, his eyes analyzing the letter with his cyborg enhancements.

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