"Tell Me I'm Pretty, Pretty Please."

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***This is a little chapter that is kinda fluffy and cute and I think you guys will enjoy it. I wanted to express to my viewers that you are beautiful no matter what, and it's OK to feel down sometimes about it. Because, there will always, ALWAYS, be someone who will think you're perfect. You don't have to be beautiful for anyone, but it's okay to want to feel beautiful for someone. It's human nature after all, and it's okay to doubt! This chapter is an honest representation of how I feel in public sometimes, so pretty much everything here is honest from me (except for the romance parts, I have never dated anyone and have been single since I was born XD). So for anyone going through anything, please know I think you are all shining stars! ♥‿♥ ***

You liked to think you were pretty confident.
Sure, every girl had her down moments, but you were a pretty optimistic person in general. You didn't really need constant encouragement or a group of people to make you feel self worth.
However, every girl still had those down moments.
"Can I help you?" The overly cordial voice almost made you drop the hanger you were holding.
"Oh, um, no, no thank you." You replied, taking a look over the shirt in your hand before setting it back on the rack. The employee seemed to hum for a moment before doing a quick visual sweep with her eyes.
"Trying to impress someone?" She asked, a finger pushing up the frame of her glasses on the bridge of her nose.
"What? Oh, um, not really. I was just trying something new." You weren't very comfortable with employees who had a knack for being overbearing. Those types of people drove you up the wall.
"Hm...and you want to impress a man with something like this?" She was giving you that critical eye again and you kind of wanted to punch her. A mental visual of Saitama's punch literally blowing her and the whole store away made you crack a smile in afterthought.
"I already have a boyfriend." You hoped she would take the hint and leave already. You really weren't looking for anything special. Saitama had ruined most of your clothes in the laundry. Seriously, who threw a bright yellow jumpsuit into a load of whites? The hanger next to her was looking really inviting right now, if it shut the lady up. But you were actually polite, unlike some people, so you held your tongue.
"And you wear that for him most of the time?" She made a clicking noise with her tongue and you suddenly found that choking her with the hanger didn't sound like a half bad idea.
"And what's wrong with this?" You felt offended at her tone. You were wearing a plain black t-shirt with a bowl of udon on it (it was actually Saitama's but it had shrunk in the wash), along with a regular pair of shorts.
"Not that there's anything wrong with it per say, it's just not very...attractive. Maybe if you wore some makeup...Oh! Maybe if you switched the t-shirt with this blouse over here! Don't be afraid to show some cleavage hun..." The employee was fluttering about the rack behind her, and you finally had enough.
"Look lady, I'm just here for basics. So if you excuse me..." You remarked, and left the shop in a mad rush. Feet stomping on the concrete, you made it about four or so blocks down the street before you slowed. You stopped in front of a store window, looking at your reflection. You hadn't bothered with a hairbrush this morning, and technically these shorts had already been worn twice this week. Coming closer to the reflection, you brought a hand up and started inspecting your face. There were a few red spots, not as noticeable as the recent angry blemish that had graced your skin overnight. You hadn't bothered with any concealer since you were just on a quick run to the grocery store. This is what you normally wore, and yet, something about what she had said stuck to you. That you weren't....attractive.
If speaking realistically, you hadn't thought about it. Living with two males had given you a certain outlook on the way you live life. You barely left the apartment at all anyway. Genos and Saitama weren't exactly setting any beauty standards either (although you could argue Genos was a beautiful bi-shounen boy who in all respects was a standard), and as far as you knew they didn't care about outward appearances.
It was different now. Saitama and you were dating. Any guy would like to be seen with a beautiful girl on his arm, but you knew Saitama could give less than a damn about any of that. That wasn't the point though. You wanted to look beautiful for him, and only him. Which brought the topic back around to the important question.
Did Saitama find you attractive?
It made you nervous that you didn't know the answer to that for sure.
You knew he loved you, and it warmed your heart when he had told you those words for the first time. But lately you had noticed you wanted something more...intimate. Saitama was built like marble, and it was hard for a girl to control herself around that, especially when said man is currently living with you all the time. He had an immediate effect on you both mentally and physically.
But did you have the same effect on him?
It was so hard to tell with Saitama.
As you walked home you tried to forget the encounter, and you tried to get the lady's stupid words out of your head. Genos was texting you the entire time, his messages left unopened as the thoughts weighed heavy in your mind. When you opened the door to the apartment, groceries in hand, Genos was already in front of it. You stared at him expectantly.
"You didn't answer your phone. Sensei got worried." Genos supplied, and you bit your lip trying to keep the laugh from bubbling in your throat.
"Sorry. I became distracted is all. You guys really are too much." You reprimanded, but in all honesty you didn't mind. After the recent scare with your disappearance at the monster association, Saitama and Genos had gone full protective mode. It was cute really.
"Is that Y/N?" Saitama called from the back, and you scooted around Genos and headed into the kitchen, already putting groceries up. Saitama was spread in the middle of the expanded apartment, watching an anime with a pillow as a support. You couldn't help but appreciate the fact he wasn't wearing a shirt, or the back muscles that were proudly on display. Genos gave you a silent but knowing smirk as he helped you, and you elbowed him hard.
"Yeah, sorry I'm late. But you know I wouldn't be if someone in this house hadn't decided to throw a fricking yellow jumpsuit into my wash."
"Hey! To be fair, you did just say you finished a load of colors." Saitama retorted, giving a look over his shoulder.
"Yeah, in the previous load. Seriously Tama, did you even look in the washing machine before throwing it in? We're washing and air drying your jumpsuit separately from now on..." You let the sentence end and became a bit silent as you stared at him blankly. He really was a sight to behold, with those muscles so perfectly built. Your face heated up and you couldn't help but feel a bit flustered as you looked down at your current state.
Maybe you really weren't attractive at all.
Lunch went by as smoothly as it normally did, and by now both you and Saitama laid on the futon, just content to read manga and let the day pass as usual. Genos was on the computer, headphones in his ears, so it was just you and Saitama in your own private bubble on the other side of the room. You were lying on your belly, upper body propped up by your elbows while holding the book, and Saitama was on his side. Placing the book down in front of you, you plopped down onto the soft futon and looked up at him.
"Hey, Tama?" You timidly spoke, taking a nearby pillow and burying your head into it. You were tempted to just take a nap, but you felt an honest approach to your dilemma would be the best. Your body turned to lie on your back, but still angled to face the man beside you.
"What's up?" He didn't look up at you, and you were glad since you probably would have looked a bit like an idiot with one cheek squished into the pillow.
"Am I...attractive?"
The question very nearly makes him choke on whatever his next response would have been.
"I mean, I know I'm probably the most average looking person on the planet, but am I attractive to you?" You rambled, continuing even as you buried your head into the pillow. "I'm not really into what a lot of the other girls are as far as beauty goes so..."
Saitama closed the book, giving you one of the most unnerving looks you had ever seen.
"Average?" He loomed over your form now, both forearms beside your head as his upper body hovered over your laying position. "Who said you were average?"
"Uh, no one did I just thought..." You started, but faltered when his gaze met yours.
"Y/N, I don't think you know what you actually do to me." He buried his head in the crook of your neck, letting his full upper body fall onto yours comfortably as his hands went to your hips. "You are honestly the biggest tease ever."
"I...wha?" You stuttered, honestly confused. Saitama wasn't usually the one to initiate physical contact like this. Usually, you had to practically beg him for it.
"When you wear those t-shirts, my old t-shirts, and then...christ, when you wear those really short shorts." He accentuated this point back grasping the skin at your hips and softly rubbing the pad of his thumb over the area. "Honestly, I don't know where you get these ideas of being average." Your face was a deep red, so you hid your face in his shoulder and wrapped both arms around his neck.
"You're the fucking tease Tama. You don't wear shirts on purpose." You grumbled into his shoulder, and he openly laughed at the comment, a rare occurrence for Saitama.
"I've never heard you complain though." He kissed very, very softly at the crook of your neck and you responded by squeezing your arms a bit tighter.
"Shutup Tama."
"Do I need to leave the room?" Genos suddenly spoke up, and you scrambled for a moment, trying but failing to push Saitama off of you, having forgotten the quiet cyborg was still in the apartment.
"Nah. I don't think it will go that far tonight Genos." Saitama said casually, as if talking about the weather.
"Tama!" You whispered furiously, but all he gave you was this dorky smile and you couldn't help but smile in return.
Really, you had your down moments, but you could always count on these two.

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