"All He Ever Eats is Udon, How is He Still Buff?"

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"Saitama, where are we going?" Said man was already walking at a fast pace, but slowed down as he pulled a piece of paper from his pocket.

"There's a sale at the supermarket."

You felt yourself groan.

"Was it really necessary to wake me up so early?"

"Of course, all the good stuff will be gone if we don't come early."

"We both know you're just going to buy more udon."


You continued walking, his strides lessening as he matched your pace.

"So?" You questioned.

"So what?"

"I haven't seen you for three years. I don't know. Are you even happy to see me?" You asked.

You felt him stop as you were walking, making you turn around.

"You think I'm not happy to see you?"

"I don't know what to think Saitama! You've changed so much. I can't tell what you're thinking. All this time I was thinking I have to get back to City Z to find you again. And here you are, apparently a hero and saving the world on a daily basis. I...I really missed you..." You were sputtering now. You always seemed to get emotional when it came to him.

"Y/N." He said his tone serious.

"What?" You snapped. The harsh inflection of your tone made you feel bad. You didn't mean to yell.

"There wasn't a day I didn't think about you. When training was hell, you were the first person I thought of. You always encouraged me." He spoke.He smiled a bit, a small genuine smile that actually reached his eyes, and you could see a shadow of that scrawny boy you used to know appear. You shook your head. You were both such idiots.

"Come on. If we're gonna' buy all the udon at the market, were going to need at least two shopping carts."

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