"It Was Just Another Day on the Town I Swear..."

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***A/N I am still a huge fan of the damsel in distress scenes, because honestly if I had men like the ones in OPM I would WANT those muscles rescuing me all the time (in more ways than one XD). (((Also the name of the chapter may change I'm having a moment today)))***

You shuffled about the house, grabbing your house keys as you adjusted the back strap of the shoes you were wearing just outside the door.

You exited the apartment, glancing at the street over the balcony as you passed all the empty homes next to yours. You descended the stairs, the loud click of your heels echoing off the concrete walls. You checked the time on your watch as you adjusted the purse on your shoulder.

"Y/N!" You heard Genos yell. You looked up to see him leaning over the same balcony you had passed moments before.

"Yo!" You greeted, giving him a salute as you stared up at him.

"Aren't you off of work this weekend?" Genos loudly inquired. It wasn't like there was anyone else here.

"I'm going on some errands today! Tell Saitama whenever he decides to get up! If you need anything just call me!" You shouted, walking down the street as you did so. You both waved to each other as you rounded the corner, until he was gone from your sight.

"Alright, so clothes, toiletries, and I guess I should pick up the groceries last..." You mumbled, making your way to the short distance to the train station. The main center of City Z was a little too far to go by foot and Saitama wasn't here to lend his speed. You took a seat on the train, and patiently waited as the crumbled remains of some parts of the city whizzed by you. You arrived about fifteen minutes later, adjusting the skirt you had decided to wear today. You felt like a schoolgirl again. You bee-lined to a clothing store, gathering the basic essentials before taking your time looking at the really cute clothes. You threw a few items into a cart, before stopping at a cute little sundress. It was white with little red sakura blooms scattered all over it, and you idly thought if Saitama would appreciate something like this. You blushed at the thought. Where the hell did that come from?

You quickly put the sundress back on the rack anyway, bringing everything together before checking out at the register. You thanked whatever deity for the bonus last month, checking off your mental list as you scanned the crowd.

"Hmm... maybe a manga or two for Tama and some metal polishing cloth for Genos..." you murmured, making your way to the manga store directly across from you. You browsed the shelves, picking the most action filled manga you could find, and then snickered as you snuck a girl's shoujo manga in as well, knowing how much he'd probably hate the corny scenes in that. You made your way to the hardware store a couple of blocks over, picking up the gift for Genos. By the time you finished your errands it was already six.

"Okay, so all that's left is the groceries. I'll just stop by the one on the way home." You grinned, feeling satisfied at the purchases you made. You now had to stand near the door of the train, your hand gripping the bars as you felt your other hand become numb from holding the bags too long. Why was it so damn crowded on this train?

"Well this is just perfect. A girl all alone, in the one spot that you can't escape from on this damn train, now all that's left is for someone to..." You started, but the feeling of something on the back of your leg caused you to stop. Was the universe serious right now? Time didn't seem to move as the hand slid under your skirt, and you took a look back at the guy you was perving on you. All that was left was for some guy to come and grope her. Why did she have the worst luck in the world? Your words were cutting steel as you eyed the pervert steadily.

"You have three seconds to remove your hands from my person, you degenerate." You hissed. The guys seemed to take no notice as a finger slipped under the rim of your undergarments. You realized in panic that you couldn't turn around to smack the guy, so you opted to kick the shit out of him from behind. The man's hand was gone, but you still felt his presence. You smirked in triumph.

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