"Sometimes, I Hate How Much I Really Need You."

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***This chapter was so unplanned, but I like how it turned out. I definitely wanted something that addressed why they follow Y/N-chan around the city all the time. Imagine living in that universe where monsters constantly creep around at all times...[lmao i'd be dead after the first day]. Anyway, to those who are wondering, I WILL be addressing that love letter in a new chapter. I'll also be explaining in that chapter why I chose that person, because it actually is something I'm working off of that is CANON (I know, since when is anything I write canon?). Anyway, please enjoy!***

Saitama, in one word, was odd.

But this was ridiculous.

You spun on your heel as you faced the empty sidewalk behind you, save for a few scattered birds. You were only a few away from the apartment, but enough was enough.

"I know you are there Saitama." You stamped your foot a little, emphasizing you were not up to his antics.

Said perpetrator rounded the corner of the nearby garbage can he hid behind, hands behind his head.

"Oh Y.N. Fancy to see you here."

"Saitama what fresh hell is this?" You asked, arms crossing.

"I was just...in the neighborhood? I do live here too." He started.

"Nuh-uh. Try again."

"Hero Duty?"

"Am I going to have to give you a minute to get your story straight?"

Saitama sighed, scratching his cheek in the usual fashion. "I...was worried."

You snorted as you shifted your weight to your left foot. "You've been awfully clingy today Saitama. Don't think I didn't notice you in the grocery store. And I'm pretty sure you don't take the train either. I'm not a child you have to keep an eye on all the time! I don't need you. Honestly Saitama, you're getting worse than Genos!"

"Are you saying it's wrong to worry about your wellbeing?" Saitama assessed quietly.

"Well...no...but I can fend for myself." You started, before Saitama was suddenly in front of you. You hadn't even blinked, but his towering form was dangerously close to you and you felt your heart speed up.


All he was exuding was death.

So that was what facing him as an adversary was like.

"And what if I was a bad guy right now huh? You would be dead." He whispered darkly; too darkly. You felt yourself take a step back.


His name being said seemed to break the trance he was in as he moved away quickly, his body only a blur as he ascended the flight of stairs to the apartment, leaving you alone in the street. You pressed a hand against the erratic beating of your ribcage.

He was angry.

And you weren't really sure why.

Shakily, you walked up the steps, pausing outside the door. Genos wouldn't be home till late, so it was just you and Saitama. You took a deep breath, expecting that feeling of dread to come creeping up your spine, but the apartment seemed normal.


There was definitely a cold feeling in the air, and you were pretty sure you knew who was responsible.

Your movements were slow as you but away your shoes and things by the door. You walked, almost crept, at a snail's pace until you finally reached the entrance to the living space.

You would have thought he had been seated at the table all day if you hadn't known any better. He was dressed in sweats, hero suit hung neatly to the wall adjacent. His back was to you, watching the television. You tried to walk by him; tried to avoid him until Genos got home.


His voice stopped you in your tracks. You slowly turned to look at him. He hadn't moved, nor looked away from the television at all, but you knew it was a silent plea. You went and sat back down across from him. Finally, his gaze fell to you and you felt your heart leap to your throat.

"I'm sorry."

It was silent for a heartbeat or two, before you released a breath you realized you had been holding.

"It's okay."

Another pause, this time it was he who broke the silence.

"I had a dream. A dream where you died. Died because of me."

"So you being clingy was...?"

He remained still, not acknowledging what you already knew.

You honestly didn't know what to say. Saitama didn't have bad dreams. Saitama was the strongest hero in the world, nothing scared him.

You saw another glimpse of that dorky kid from high-school once more.

"Hey...hey it's okay really, it was my fault too for being so stubborn and never listening to you guys. I promise I'll take my safety in consideration more..." You gripped the folded hands he had on the counter.

"I scared you." He abruptly stated, cutting you off. You blinked.

"Well, anyone would be scared by you, being like that, to be honest..." You chuckled darkly, barely registering his hands grabbing both of yours softly.

"I don't want you to ever be afraid of me. You are the only one who never has to be."

Your breath caught in your throat. You let your bangs cover your eyes. He was always so...

"I lied." You eventually whispered.

Saitama cocked his head to the side. "What?"

"I lied when I said I don't need you. You're right, Saitama, I need you all the damn time."

You could have sworn there was a light dust of pink on his cheeks. You honestly couldn't remember the last time he had ever looked like that.

Saitama's next sentence was cut off by the door opening. The two of you immediately broke physical contact, staring at opposite sides of the room when Genos walked in, addressing the two with a look of suspicion.

"Did I miss something?"

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