Chapter 1
Edward’s POV.
We’re moving. Again. I know we have to, but it's still annoying. You finally kind of found your spot in the community, and you have to do that all over again. Not that I got any friends over here, that would be too risky because I’m a vampire. But still. You’re leaving to do it all over again, and again. You never become older, so you can’t work. Always the same stupid years repeated and repeated. Like you have a déjà-vu, but then forever. And I know that that is a very long time.
Yes, even the immortals aren’t happy with their “lives”. I know that my family is “vegetarian”, but I’m still a monster. Carlisle and Esme are trying to convince me to not think that, but they never succeed. Maybe we have money, a life forever and impossible powers and senses, but still I’m not happy. Only my family makes me go one. To go one as this horrible being.
I came into the room precisely at the moment that Emmett asked to Carlisle ‘Where are we moving to?’ and Carlisle answered: ‘We’re moving to Washington, Forks’ ‘Alright then’ Emmett answered back. He saw me and said: ‘Forks, here we come’ I laughed. You almost couldn’t make Emmett “sad”. He was almost always his full-of-energy self. Together with Rosalie, who is a lot calmer, they are the perfect couple. The same with Jasper and Alice, and Carlisle and Esme. But who is my soul mate? Who will love/stay with me forever? NOBODY!!!!! I’ll always be a monster. And alone. A lonely monster. Just like the monster of Frankenstein.
Totally in my own thoughts, I didn’t mention that I was sitting down on a chair and that I'd put my head into my hands. ‘Is everything alright, my son?’ I heard somewhere far away. I shook my head and I looked at the one who said that. I saw Carlisle watching me and I answered that everything was okay, but that I just would miss the house. Somewhere this was true, because this house was in the top 3 of best houses that we ever got (and we’ve got a lot houses). Carlisle didn’t believe/trust me, but he accepted it and he walked upstairs.
I was bored so I walked outside. When I was there I ran into the forest. I ran and ran. I didn’t know where I was going to and why I was running, but I kept doing it. Eventually, I ran into the moonlight.
Bella’s POV
TRRNNNNNGGGGGG. The sound of the school bell filled the classroom with noise. Not only from the bell, but from the students as well. Some of them wished me a good weekend, and some didn’t. That’s how high school works. You have the friendly kids, the cool kids, the wannabe’s, the nerds and the rest.
I smiled to the students. My students. When they all left I started with my work. Loads of tests to correct, to choose new books and to clean up the room. I like this room, and I like my job. It’s hard, but not too hard. There are positive and negative points. Some of the positive ones are that I can do what I like very much, reading, and that I don’t have to change from classroom because I’m the only literatureteacher, a new class on Forks high school. I teach all the classes one hour a week. I opened my bag and I fished a couple of tests out of it. Just an easy test about Romeo and Juliet. I just wanted to start when someone knocked on the door.
I jelled: ‘Come in’ and that happened. It was a small lady with glasses and clothes that could be from her mother. She worked at the secretariat, or as I always call it, the heart of the school. She walked to my desk and throws a dossier at it. I couldn’t even thank her before she left. First I didn’t understand why, but when I opened the dossier I did.
NEW STUDENTS! Couldn’t they've said that a little earlier? I started to read the dossier. Jasper and Rosalie Hale and Alice, Emmett and Edward Cullen. And all in different years! I was a little bit in panic already about how I would get their books, when I saw another paper. I could get their books from the school library until I would have new books for them. I directly emailed Sandy from the library the books that I needed:
2x Wuthering height.
2x Macbeth
1x Romeo and Juliet
And I directly after that I ordered the books by a bookshop. I would get them on Saturday, but I knew that would become Sunday. I've known this guys longer then today. But then I focused on the tests again. I picked out one and started to correct.
When I was done, I sadly enough saw that the average mark from the class was a 5,8. Not really good. I checked the big clock at the wall to see that it was 5 o’clock already. I was done working and I could go home. I put my stuff in my bag and walked out of the classroom. I was lucky, because I had to clean up tomorrow and not today. With a big smile on my face I walked to my car, ready to go.

A different life (A Twilight Fan-Fic)(Completed)
FanfictionCOMPLETED What if the Cullens came 15 years later, when Bella is at the age of 32 (they've never been in forks before)? What would her life look like? Would she be in a relationship, would she have kids or a job? And will/can she still be in love wi...