Chapter 1
Bella’s POV
Everything turned out to be great. For me. Not for the pack, because they were worried all the time. And also not for Tanya. Edward told me that Alice and Emmett had the super mega prank-plan. With other words, they painted Tanya’s hair pink. Permanent. It’s so funny because Tanya can’t get it out. And the absolute best thing is that the thing that makes it normal again is very rare and that Emmett and Alice bought it all. So, Tanya has to beg on her knee’s if she ever wants her normal hair again. HA! Just right for her! Next to me Edward started to chuckle a bit. ‘What?’ I asked him. ‘You’ve put your shield down’ he said with his crooked smile. ‘So what? I like my thoughts so much that I want to share them with everyone’ I said sarcastically. ‘Okay, tell me more!’ Emmett said while he laid on the ground, pulling his legs in the air. It looked very weird. ‘That the super mega prank-plan was the best thing ever’ Edward and I said at the same time. ‘Of course, all my plans are awesome. And I know, that one was the best. Pixie completed the plan perfectly’ he said. ‘DON’T CALL ME PIXIE!’ Alice yelled from upstairs. ‘Or what? Are you going to attack me with pixie power?’ Emmett said. ‘No, with a shopping day’ Alice said. Emmett immediately shut his mouth closed. I tried realy hard to not burst into laughter. I made a mental note to myself. Never underestimate Alice. Never, if you want to survive!
‘Glad to hear that you can come back, miss Swan! We’ll see you at school tomorrow!’ a lady from the “heart of the school” said to me full of joy. ‘I’ll see you then as well’ I said. She started to laugh. Then she hang up. ‘Ughhh’ I said. ‘Tell me’ Edward said. ‘Why is everyone that’s working at the secretariat such a weirdow?’ I asked. Edward chuckled. ‘Because their human?’ he guessed. ‘I think your right. But the most annoying thing of all is that they always laugh of things that aren’t funny!’ I said with a big sigh. ‘Be glad that Emmett never comes there’ Edward said. I laughed a bit. ‘Come on Bella, I know you love this job and I know you’ve done it quite a while now, so the stupid secretariat can’t stop you from being the best teacher in school!’ Edward pepped me up. ‘Do you really think so?’ I said, quasi-surprised. ‘With whole my heart’ he said while he kissed me on my mouth. ‘Please don’t do that here, will you!’ Emmett said. I didn’t hear him coming so I was shocked. Emmett chuckled. Then I started to think. Emmett’s expression changed. ‘Bells, why do you get a thinking face?’ he asked. ‘Because I’m thinking of home-work assignments where even you have to work on’ I said. His eyes widened in shock. I started to smile. Almost nothing made Emmett afraid, except from homework. Then I thought about Edward’s pep talk. I love my job.
‘Found a “horrible homework assignment” for Emmett?’ Rosalie said while she walked in. I smiled a bit. ‘To be honest, yes I did!’ I said proudly. ‘Tell me everything’ Rose said with her eyes wide open. ‘I’m going to make him to read a book. By himself. Completely’ I said. Rose pulled up an eyebrow while she said: ‘Can he even read?’ ‘I guess so’ I answered. Then we both started to laugh. ‘Wazzup ladies?’ Emmett said while he walked in. We immediately stopped laughing. ‘Nothing’ I said while I tried to look innocent. ‘Totally nothing’ Rosalie said with her normal voice. ‘You know, I believe Rosalie, but Bella, you look so guilty!’ Emmett said. ‘Whatta….’ I said. ‘It’s okay, Bells, you don’t have to tell me. You can thank me later for that’ Emmett said as he walked outside. I was stunned. ‘My monkey man’ Rosalie said with a smile while she walked away as well. I was kind off in shock. That didn’t make any sense at all and I was kind off a logic-freak. I shook my head as I jumped up from the couch where I was sitting on for way to long. I walked out of the door to my car. Just in time, I realized that it was still home because I came running. I shrugged. Why not? As I started to run, I could breathe again. Jacob, here I come!
Jacob’s POV
‘Jacob, Jacob, you have to try this!’ Seth yelled at me. After he was held hostage, he had to rest for a few days. But now he was totally back to his normal self. His annoying, little brother-like self. With an annoyed face I looked at him. ‘What?’ I asked him. He showed me his hand. In it were all kind of puffed things with different kind of colours. ‘It’s called Manna. It’s puffed rice and it’s freaking delicious!’ he said. I didn’t want to be rude, so I took some from his hand. While I put the Manna in my mouth, the taste came free. And wow, it WAS delicious! ‘Where did you get this stuff?’ I asked him. ‘Port Angeles. I’ve bought a lot, so if you want to..’ he said. ‘Of course this is freaking awesome!’ I said. Seth started to smile. ‘But be careful, if you eat too much you get sick and you get headaches!’ Seth said. ‘Thanks for warning. Now give me puffed rice! I mean, how can we survive without puffed rice?’ I said. Seth started to laugh as we walked to his house. We headed upstairs, ignoring the Leah that wasn’t home. When we were in Seth’s bedroom, he opened some kind of closet and grabbed a bag of Manna out of it. He threw it at me. ‘Have a nice sugar rush’ he said. ‘Thanks’ I said with a smile while I headed downstairs. I ran home, ready to put this in pots or whatever, just as chewing gum, because I had a new addiction.
Bella’s POV
When I ran into the reservation, I saw Jacob immediately. I waved at him as a sign that I’d seen him. When I came closer, I smelled some kind of sweet thing. Not Jacob, because he smelled differently. Some kind of candy? ‘Hey Bells’ Jake said. ‘Hey Jake! I just came by to see’ I stopped when I saw him putting something very colourful into his mouth. ‘What the hell are you eating?!’ I asked. ‘Coloured puffed rice called Manna. It’s delicious!’ Jake said. ‘Right..’ I replied. ‘But where did you came for?’ he said. Then I remembered. ‘Is Jade here?’ I asked. I saw Jacob chocking in his Manna. He coughed before he answered. ‘Jade?’ he asked. ‘Yes, Jade. You know her, we bumped into her while we were looking for Seth. And she lives here close by, so I was wondering if she was here’ I said. ‘Well, no, I mean, I don’t think so, I haven’t seen her, you know, no, I guess’ Jacob struggled. I pulled up an eyebrow. ‘What’s going on?’ I asked him. He pulled his arms over each other. ‘Nothing’ he said firmly. ‘But’ I started a sentence. Then Sam came. ‘Jacob, you’ve to come with me. We’re running together, remember?’ Sam said. ‘Okay Sam, I’m coming!’ Jacob said. ‘But Jake’ I said. ‘Not now, Bells, Business’ he replied. Within a second, he and Sam where gone. Nice. Now I had to go home. Wait a minute, I could go home!
Hey guys! Just to say, I'm going to put the sequel to A different life into A different life, cause I got some comments that supported me by making this desicion. 1 thing, Dear Cullen diary will stay Dear Cullen diary. Please check it out!
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A different life (A Twilight Fan-Fic)(Completed)
FanfictionCOMPLETED What if the Cullens came 15 years later, when Bella is at the age of 32 (they've never been in forks before)? What would her life look like? Would she be in a relationship, would she have kids or a job? And will/can she still be in love wi...