Hey guys
Did I just...
I just...
Oh my god I just finished A Different Life.
*takes in a deep breath before starting*
Man, this has been one hell of a journey. This story went everywhere, from action to romance, from cliffhangers to expected endings... 40 chapters long you allowed me to take you to a place that Stephenie Meyer created, but I lived in, in my head.
2 years ago, September the 5th 2011, the first chapter of A Different Life was uploaded. I still remember my excitement, the joy that I found in writing. This only increased when I got a lot of reads. And then I got more, and more, and more.
It encouraged me to go on, and it encouraged me to go on until today, 2 years later.
As you may have noticed, my love for this story has dissapeared quite a while ago. My love for Twilight has been gone completely, actually. But, this story was my start, my way of getting into wattpad. Without this story and without you amazing people I wouldn't be where I am now and certainly I wouldn't be the writer that I am now. So, I just HAD to finish it.
I still remember the day that I made up the idea for the story. I had been thinking about it for days. I wanted to write a Twilight story, at that moment just because they always got a lot of reads, but I couldn't think of anything. I was at my grandma, staying there for a week, and one night I found myself staring into the darkness of my room. It was around 10 o'clock, and all of a sudden, the idea struck my head like a lightning bold. Bella was older!
In the original version that I wrote in my little notepad the next morning, Bella was 27 instead of 32. I am not even sure why I changed that anymore, but I changed it.
I remember having so much fun with this story, making up new plot twists and just writing new chapters in general. Even though the last few months have been hard, I'm glad that I have done this.
This story has made me the writer that I am. Without it, I wouldn't be as good as I am now. Without it, I wouldn't have the confidence that I have now. Without it, I maybe would've given up on writing. Without ALL OF YOU, I wouldn't have had this amazing experience.
Even though the last chapters didn't amuse me as much as they should have, I still am happy that I have done this. If you gave me the option to go back in time and make me not write this story, then I wouldn't do it.
I am not going to thank individual people, because there are so many of you. Not too long ago, I celebrated my 90,000 reads. 90,000!
I am not going to edit this story. The original plan was to edit it, but I have realized that I shouldn't. This story show s my journey through writing and learning English, and I like it the way it is. I hope you agree with me.
Thank you, everyone. You made me realize that I am a good writer and you supported me so much. I shall never forget this story, you and what you have done for me.
Now it's time to sign off for the last time. To say goodbye to you for the last time. I actually feel the tears coming up... In a few seconds there will be a green tick next to this story. It'll be finished, it'll be done. I have wanted this moment to come so badly, but yet I am having trouble...
This story has been my baby for 2 years. My baby that I sometimes didn't really like, but never stopped loving. This is the first story that I ever finish, and I am so happy that I have.
Goodbye, and thank you all.
~RedTears but also known as Ellie

A different life (A Twilight Fan-Fic)(Completed)
FanfictionCOMPLETED What if the Cullens came 15 years later, when Bella is at the age of 32 (they've never been in forks before)? What would her life look like? Would she be in a relationship, would she have kids or a job? And will/can she still be in love wi...