Chapter 13
Bella’s POV
I stared at Jacob in disbelieve. ‘You can’t remember who you are anymore?’ I asked to be totally sure. ‘Truly no idea’ Jacob said. I saw his face and I knew he wasn’t lying. Then his expression changed. ‘How can you change from 17 and pale and white-skinned to 32 and normal?’ he asked. ‘Gift’ I said. I hoped that he still remembered that, but when I saw his face, I knew he didn’t. ‘Gift? From who? Santa clause?’ he asked. ‘No. I’ll explain later. I will say some facts and you have to say what you think about that okay?’ I said. He nodded. I could see he trusted me, kind off. ‘You hate vampires and you’re born to kill them’ I said. ‘Am I a freak that’s obsessed with not-existing creatures?’ he said. I sighed. ‘I’m a vampire’ I said. ‘Vampire’s don’t exist’ he replied. ‘You’re a werewolf’ I said, thinking this was my last change. If he didn’t remembered that stuff, I was sure he wouldn’t remember anything. ‘Noway, then I would be a wolf right now. The moon’s full’ he replied. And with that he smashed every hope I had away.
As I walked out of the house, I saw everyone looking at me. ‘How’s it going with him?’ Sam asked. ‘Except from the point that he has broken his leg and that he doesn’t know anything anymore, it’s going perfect’ I said, imitating Rose’s bitchy voice. ‘Wait, doesn’t know anything anymore?’ Seth asked. I let fall my bitchy mood and became sad again. ‘Yep. He thinks vampires don’t exist, and when I told him he was a werewolf, he said he would’ve changed already if he was one because the moon is full’ I said. Seth’s eyes became as big as golf balls. ‘Noway!’ he said. ‘Check it yourself if you want to’ I replied. He ran inside the house. Within 10 minutes he was back. ‘Wow. Vampire girl was right!’ he said. I raised my eye brown to him. ‘Well, you’re a vampire, and a girl, so…’ Seth said with a red turning face. I knew that Emmett would’ve loved this scene. Then I remembered something. ‘I got to go. Back to the Cullens’ I said. Sam nodded. You could see he didn’t liked that idea. Within a second I ran to the house of my friends.
Edward’s POV
I sat down on the couch, trying to relax a bit, but I couldn’t. I kept thinking of Bella. I knew I was in love with her, but I wasn’t sure if she was in love with me. All kind of thoughts went through my head. I could use Jasper to find out if she felt the same. But I knew already what Jasper’s reaction would be. “Edward, I’m not born on this planet to be your love doctor. Just ask it” he would say. I could ask Alice as well. And I knew her reaction already as well. “Edward, as long as nobody of you two has decided to say you love eachother, I can’t see anything” would be her reaction. I could ask Emmett, but he knew as much from love as I knew from it. Almost nothing. Yeah, he had Rose. But they had eachother since the beginning. I was alone for already over a century! Yes, if I needed romantic advice, I shouldn’t go to Emmett. He was so romantic as a wooden plank. I knew that Rose would react bitchy, like she always does. And I couldn’t ask Esme and Carlisle for love advise, because they are my “parents”. I didn’t knew what to do.
10 minutes later I DID know what to do. A sad Bella came into the house. I jumped up from the couch and walked over to her. I quided her to the couch and sat down next to her. ‘What’s going on Bella?’ I asked. ‘Jake lost all his memories’ she said. ‘All of them?’ I said. ‘Yes. Well, not all of them. He still knows the basic things he learned on school. But he doesn’t remember me’ she said. I putted an arm around her, trying to comfort her. I looked to her face, right into her eyes. I came a little closer to her, slowly. And slowly she did as well. And then, our lips touched eachother. Our first kiss ever! It felt so nice, so perfect! From that moment I knew I found my soulmate. After a minute we broke the kiss. I looked into her eyes. She smiled. I smiled back. At that moment I was happy. Happier then I’ve ever been.
Bella’s POV
Edward kissed me! Finally I knew it for sure. Finally I knew that he loved me. Finally I knew that we were made for eachother. And that all with one kiss. It felt like I was complete now. That before there was a whole part of me missing. Now I found Edward and now I knew we loved eachother, I was complete. He filled it up. He filled me up. His arm was still around my shoulder when Jasper came in. He felt immediately that we where in love. He started smiling a really weird smile. ‘I knew it; was everything he said. He turned around again, ready to tell Alice. And when Alice knew it, everyone knews it. But I didn’t cared. I felt that Edward kissed me on my cheeck. And I felt happy. His arm touching my shoulder felt like a warm blanket. Not really ofcourse, because his arm was just as cold as my whole body. But it felt nice. And when he kissed me, on my cheeck of lips, it felt amazing. I love love!
Hey guys, srry for not uploading so long! I’ve been moving to a new house a few days ago so my computer was in a box.. But forget that, what do you guys think of this chapter? I’ve never wrote a kiss/love scene before so I want to know if I can do anything better. Please comment, vote, fan and enjoy!

A different life (A Twilight Fan-Fic)(Completed)
FanfictionCOMPLETED What if the Cullens came 15 years later, when Bella is at the age of 32 (they've never been in forks before)? What would her life look like? Would she be in a relationship, would she have kids or a job? And will/can she still be in love wi...