Chapter 22
Bella’s POV
I was the first one to see them. They were all sitting in a circle, the 8 of them. In the middle was Seth. I could hear their conversation. ‘We should kill him now! His friends will worry soon and then they’ll follow us!’ a man with black hair said. Wow, they’re quite stupid! ‘You think we can just do that?’ a little woman, or do I have to say girl, with brown hair said with a shaky voice. ‘Of course we can! I know that SHE didn’t say to us to do it like this, but what does it matter?’ a guy with red hair said. She? Now I wanted to know who she was. ‘Everyone that votes for killing the mutt raises his hand’ the man with black hair said. Everyone raised their hand, except the brown headed girl. ‘Majority for killing. Let’s do it’ the man with the red hair continues. He came closer to Seth. And then he was pushed away by a wolf, who was certainly Leah. ‘What the’ the red headed man said. Further he didn’t come, because Leah ripped his head off. More and more wolves started to mingle in the fight. Now the surprise was gone and the vampires knew what was going on, they fought back. I fought against some stupid blond guy. Soon, Jacob jumped in to help me. At the end I kicked his head off. Jacob rolled with his wolf eyes. ‘Don’t joke, let’s fight’ his eyes told me. ‘Precisely my idea’ I said with a smile.
Seth’s POV
The vampires were sitting around me, deciding if they would kill me or not. Nice future. I was sure that the pack wouldn’t forget me, but they had to hurry. Where the hell was Leah? I looked around. The majority had voted to kill me. Ronald, the name off the red headed guy, stood up and walked over to me, ready to kill me. But he just made a few steps when he was tackled by a wolf that was certainly Leah. I started to laugh nervously. Then slowly the whole pack showed up. And Bella. Wait, Bella? Yes, it was Bella. Okay then. I couldn’t stand up. One of the vampires sprained both of my ankles. Only by touching! I mean, what the hack? The fight continued. Not only vampires got injured. Paul had a bruised rib and Quill a sprained ankle. Or do I have to say paw? But they fought on. With me looking at them. And then I saw it. Igor, the man with the black hair, walked over to me. I knew that this was the end. They would come too late. I looked in Igor’s eyes and everything I saw was hate. Hate because my friends just killed his mate. Hate because my friends just killed his clan. And of course, hate because I’m a werewolf and with that a natural enemy of the vampire blah blah blah. And then, a voice growled with such a power that it scared the hell out of me. ‘Don’t touch him!’ Bella yelled while she ran over to Igor and jumped on him. She broke off his arms as if they where nothing. ‘Who made you do this?’ she asked. ‘Tanya did! It’s not my fault! Please, I’m begging you for mercy!’ Igor said.
Bella's POV
‘Who made you do this?’ I asked. ‘Tanya did! It’s not my fault! Please, I’m begging you for mercy!’ Igor said. My head exploded. TANYA??!! With one last glare at the man I killed him. I stood up, seeing that all the fights ended. I knew she was it that had done this. She wanted that I would leave Edward! OOOOOOH I hate Tanya so much! I’ve seen her twice, while I passed by on holiday. Edward once told me that Tanya liked him. And herself. And that that was to visible. But Tanya? I cooked over from anger. ‘We won. Be happy, Bells!’ Jake said. ‘I C A N’ T B E H A P P Y R I G H T N OW!’ I said as calm as my voice allowed me. It came out of my mouth like a hiss. Jake jumped backwards. ‘What’s going on, Bells?’ he said. ‘Tanya’ I whispered. ‘What?’ he asked. ‘TANYA!’ I yelled as I started to run. I had to go to Alaska, immediately. Oooh, I wanted to kill Tanya so bad! And I missed Edward. Strangely enough was my anger always connected to my tears. When I was human I always cried when I was very angry. Of course, now I was a vampire, this wasn’t possible anymore. But it made me emotional, and let me think. I would take Edward back, but only if he apologized. I kept on running and after a few days of not stopping I reached the sea, somewhere at the coast of Norway. I just jumped in the water and started to swim. Ooh, Tanya was going to die….
Edward’s POV
‘So I let that happen to that mutt’ Tanya told me. I immediately looked at her. ‘Oh no, stupid me! I wasn’t allowed to say that!’ she thought. I tried to do as if I was surprised and not in shock. That worked better than trying to have a blanco face. ‘What have you done to a mutt? Oh, pardon, I mean a werewolf?’ I said. I pronounced the word werewolf really sarcastic. ‘I hired a group of vampires so they could take him hostage, so Bella would go after him’ she said. ‘And I would have you for myself’ she thought. I made my eyes as wide as possible in shock. ‘NOWAY?!’ I yelled. I saw the surprise in Tanya’s eyes. ‘Edward, darling’ she said while touching my shoulder. I slapped her hand away. It was all my fault! I had to find Bella and I had to say that I was sorry. I didn’t know what happened, but I was sure that it was my fault. ‘Edward’ Tanya tried another time. ‘Be happy that my mother raised me well, but otherwise…’ I said. I saw the fear in her eyes. Then I started to run. Run away from Tanya and her stupid Alaska. Run to (I hope) the location of Bella. After a day or 2 I passed the border of Alaska. But I kept on running. And after an extra few days, something ran into me.
Bella’s POV
I was still running while I walked into something. I felt on the ground. As I tried to stand up, I saw Edward facing me. ‘I’m so incredibly sorry!’ he said. I raised an eyebrow. ‘I didn’t fall that hard’ I said. ‘For everything. I’m so sorry! And I’m so sorry from that wolf!’ he said. He gave me a hand and helped me stand up. I knew I could do that myself as well, and obvious even faster, but I let him help me. ‘Wasn’t your fault. It was Tanya’ I said. The anger woke up, but when I saw the face of Edward it melted again. ‘No, she wanted me and tried to get you out of the picture, so she hired a group of vampires to kidnap him’ he said. ‘Seth’ I corrected him. ‘So she hired a group of vampires to kidnap Seth’ he corrected himself. I laughed. ‘Bella, I’m so sorry. Can I do anything to make you accept my apologizes? I know my dead was incredibly bad, but please, let me try to make it good’ he said. ‘At least, you could stop parenting about me and say what I’m allowed to do and what not’ I said. He made a face. ‘That’s just who I am, I’m afraid’ he said. I smiled. He smiled my crooked smile back. ‘Also, I would like it if you would talk with a bit more respect about the pack’ I said. ‘But, but’ he said. ‘NO! LISTEN!’ I said. He nodded like a little child from 5 years old. ‘Okay, I’ll try’ he said. ‘Thanks. And the last one is that I would like it that you wouldn’t make jokes of my car’ I ended. ‘Not possible’ he said while he shook his head. ‘I knew it wasn’t’ I said with a smile. He smiled back and kissed me. And at that moment I was glad that we were immortal, because I never wanted him to end.
Hey guys! Sorry for not uploading that soon! I'm really busy with school and stuff! I've got a good idea. This is the end of this book, the end of A different life. I'll start the sequal when I have more time/when I've written a few chapters already. So, you'll have to wait. I'm sorry. But what do you prefer more? One short chapter next week, while you know that I give up my school to write it, or a long chapter later when you can read it without feeling stupid? I know this isn't really fear, but hey, SORRY GUYS! I'm going to put this story as finished, so if you see that, won't be surprised! Btw, I need a cover (and a titel) for the new book (there will be Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and after Breaking Dawn in it). So, if you have any ideas, please tell me :)
Please comment, vote, fan and Enjoy!

A different life (A Twilight Fan-Fic)(Completed)
FanfictionCOMPLETED What if the Cullens came 15 years later, when Bella is at the age of 32 (they've never been in forks before)? What would her life look like? Would she be in a relationship, would she have kids or a job? And will/can she still be in love wi...