Chapter 16
Bella’s POV
‘Isabella Marie Swan, will you take Edward Anthony Masen-Cullen to be your lawful husband?’ the man who was marrying us said. I looked into Edward’s eyes and he looked back in mine. His eyes were one of the few things that were exactly the same as normally. Since a few of my human friends were here too, I couldn’t show my true self. And since it would be weird for a 32 year old to marry a 17 year old, we pretended like Edward’s uncle, Carlisle’s brother, with the same name had come over here to visit his brother and nephew. And when we saw each other, we had fallen in love. We had rehearsed that story so many times that it felt like the truth to me already. ‘I do,’ I replied, smiling at Edward who looked like a 30 year old thanks to my gift. ‘I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride,’ the man said. Edward smiled at me as he leaned in and kissed me, right on the lips. I didn’t even hear all the guests applaud as we kissed. It felt like it was just me and him, as if nothing else mattered.
When we finally let go again and when I opened my eyes, I saw that everybody was standing. Alice pretended to wipe away a tear, my mother actually wiped away a tear and even Rosalie looked emotional. I just couldn’t stop smiling as I looked at all my friends and family, and at Edward’s friends and family. A lot of vampires had been invited from clans from all over the world. From the north to the south, from the west to the east. Even a few werewolves were here. Everyone but…
‘Jacob,’ I whispered as I saw him standing next to a tree, assumingly hiding in the corner from everyone and everything. ‘Bells,’ he said as he noticed me walking over to him. He walked over to me too an we met in the middle. ‘You look stunning,’ he said, not meeting my eyes once. ‘What’s wrong Jake?’ I asked as I took his hands in mine. He hadn't spoken to me ever since he got crushed by the newborn. He had healed, but mentally always seemed to be somewhere else. He finally looked up and I saw a tear rolling down his cheek. ‘It’s just that you seem so happy and I just want Jade to be as happy as you, but I can’t give her that happiness and that hurts me,’ Jacob said. I could hear the pain in his voice and I felt so bad for him. ‘Oh Jake,’ I said as I pulled him in a hug. I laid my head on his shoulder and held my arms wrapped around him for some comfort. He wrapped his arms around me too and we stood like that for quite a long while.
‘Bella? Edward is looking for you,’ Alice said, breaking our emotional moment. I let go of Jacob and I looked at him for a few seconds. ‘Go have fun with your vampire boyfriend Bells,’ Jacob said with a small smile. ‘I’m a vampire too, you know. Don’t be so negative about it,’ I said with a small smirk. ‘I’ll be negative about it until the day comes that we’re both dead,’ Jacob replied. ‘I actually already am dead…’ ‘You can be negative about it too, that is no problem,’ Jacob replied. I smiled at him again, before I turned around and walked over to Alice. ‘Oh, and Bella?’ he said. I turned around to face him. ‘You really do look beautiful,’ With those words, he turned around and disappeared into the woods.
‘There you are,’ Edward said, smiling. I could see in his eyes that he smelled Jacob, and I could see that he wasn’t all too happy about it, but Jacob was my friend and he needed me. I couldn’t have not have tried to help him. In the minutes, maybe hours that followed, Edward introduced me to all his vampire friends. There were people from the Amazon, nomads and even part of the Denali clan was there. All but Tanya, who clearly didn’t agree with our wedding. ‘Congratulations,’ one of them said. I turned around to look at them and to smile, when I saw him. Greg. He was standing just a few meters away from me and he looked mad, disappointed.
He was gone just as quickly as he had appeared, but I couldn’t stop staring at the spot. ‘Bella?’ Edward asked, concerned. I took in a deep breath, knowing that it must’ve been my imagination. ‘It’s nothing,’ I replied as I turned back to him with a smile. I could see that Edward didn’t fully believe me, but that soon was forgotten. We were going to go on honeymoon in a little while and that of course was an exciting thought. I looked over my shoulder to the forest once more before Edward lead me away from where I was standing, towards a car that would take us to the airport. We first changed into some more casual clothes and then Edward and I walked to the car whilst everyone applauded for us. I smiled at everyone when the door closed and the car took off, bringing us wherever we were going.
The plane had landed and we had taken off a while ago. Now we were walking through the crowded streets of some kind of city and everybody looked happy and festive. As if they knew that this was a very special day. ‘Over here,’ Edward said as he grabbed my hand and once again lead me towards a boat. He got in and so did I. Edward smiled at me and I smiled back. He looked like himself again and I looked like my vampire self again. The boat started and with quite some speed we travelled over sea, going to a destination for me unknown.
I spotted the island a lot quicker than any human could’ve done, and it was breathtaking. The untamed nature, the gorgeous water… ‘It’s perfect,’ I said to Edward. ‘It was a gift from Carlisle to Esme. Hence it’s called Isle Esme,’ Edward told me. I once again was surprised by the amount of money that was in the family. If they bought an island just as a present… I hadn’t even earned enough money to buy one in my entire life. Not that I had a well paid job, I had done it for fun all those years, really.
The moment we had arrived at the island, Edward had lifted me from my seat and started to carry me towards the house on the island, bridal style. Effortlessly he took me over the doorstep before walking over to the bedroom immediately. And what happened after that is for you to guess and for us to know.
Hey guys!
Well, this has been a while...
A different life turned 2 years today! I am so proud! And that is why I am going to finish this story, today. I still have a few chapters to go, and my computer crashed so I am writing on the laptop of my mom... But I will manage.
So more chapters will come! :D
Please Vote, Comment, Fan and Enjoy!

A different life (A Twilight Fan-Fic)(Completed)
FanfictionCOMPLETED What if the Cullens came 15 years later, when Bella is at the age of 32 (they've never been in forks before)? What would her life look like? Would she be in a relationship, would she have kids or a job? And will/can she still be in love wi...