Chapter 9
Edward’s POV
It looked quite funny, seeing us riding together, and I can know it because I know what other people think. Behind me is Bella driving SUPER slow and I’m almost losing her all the time. She has a weird orange/red pick-up truck that looks quite new. She drove better in a pickup, she said. from what I could understand was that she had a orange pickup when she was human and she loved it immediately. I think that’s insane. A car that can’t drive at least 150 isn’t a car. I mean, why would you drive lower than that? If you’re a vampire, you’re used to that speed! And once again I had to slow down a lot because Bella couldn’t handle it with her stupid (Yes I said it!) pickup truck. We were almost by our house and I knew that Alice knew we were coming.
As I parked my car and Bella parked her bump of orange where I don’t want to talk about(I can’t talk about that “thing” where Bella’s driving in, it’s just too not a car), Alice ran already outside. In my mirror I could see that Bella was wearing her shield again and she looked like a 32 year old woman. I saw that Alice didn’t used vampire speed but human speed. She knew we were coming. ‘why did you took her?’ she whispered she in my ear. ‘she wants to tell us something’ I said when I jumped out of my car. I saw that Bella did the same. I walked over to her and I said ‘nervous?’ and she nodded. You couldn’t see that at all, to be honest, but that could also be her vampire skills. We walked inside and Alice followed us. I saw the whole family sitting at the dining table. ‘Edward?’ Carlisle said with a questioning voice and he looks at Bella. ‘Bella here wants to tell us something’ I replied. Bam. Impact!
Bella’s POV
I saw all the people in front of me, or do I have to say vampires? It was actually quite funny to know that I knew that they where vampires, and they didn’t knew it from me. ‘I know you’re vampires’ I said. Everyone stared at me in disbelieve. ‘why do you think that?’ Rosalie said. ‘because I’m one too’ I replied. ‘why don’t you look like us then and why do you smell like a human?’ Rosalie replied a bit bitchy. I could see that Edward sent her an annoyed glare. ‘well’ I said. ‘because I have a gift’ when I said that I putted off my shield and everyone could see my real look. I saw mouths falling open and most of them looked like a :O emoticon. I pulled up one eye brown. Emmett was the first one to say something. ‘cool! I didn’t suspected THAT!’ and I laughed. In the lessons he wasn’t as funny as he now is, I thought.
‘can you tell us your story?’ Carlisle said. I nodded. We were talking already for 2 hours and I knew this was coming. I sat down on a chair at the dining table like 2 hours ago. ‘it all started when I was 17’ I started my story.
I was walking on a hill/mountain and I enjoyed the view. I knew I had to get back soon because Jacob wanted to talk with me. When I turned around I saw someone coming over to me. ‘hello dear’ he said to me. Something in his voice scared me, but I didn’t had the power to run away. He had a completely pale skin and dark eyes. ‘what do you want from me?’ was everything I could say. ‘let’s say that I want my food’ he said. Within a second I felt on the ground. Within 2 seconds I felt my skin bursting and I was on fire. ‘What are you doing!’ I heard someone saying far away. ‘stop it!’ and that saved my life.
It was all silent in the room. Everyone was thinking of my story. ‘and when you wake up then?’ Jasper asked. That was the first time that I heard him speaking today. ‘I was in some kind of room. It was really weird. There was nobody inside that room. I just opened the window end went away’ I said. Emmett started laughing. ‘a vampire that opens a window to go outside?’ he says in between his laughing. ‘I didn’t knew that yet. Duuhuuh!’ I said. Emmett immediately stopped laughing. ‘anything else, Emmett?’ I said to him. ‘no miss’ he replied. We all started laughing. Then Alice came with the best idea ever. ‘Bella, soon we’re going to play baseball. Would you like it to join us?’ she said. ‘I would love to Alice’ I said with a big grin on my face.
---2 weeks later---
Everything changed so much the last weeks! I met Jade, who is joining us today as well. And I learned to know the Cullens better. During the lesson I acted like we weren’t friends, but sometimes that was a little hard. The hardest when I had Edward’s class. When I looked at his face I just wanted to run through the room and kiss him. And that was the problem! I was in love with Edward, but I don’t think he is with me! I laughed about myself. I looked like a 14 year old girl that falls in love for the first time. For me it was actually the first time, but I didn’t say anything. I drove my truck again and I followed Emmett this time in his jeep. I asked them if they wanted to join me in my car, but they all said that my truck wasn’t a car. All with the same argument: ‘if he can’t go faster then 150, it’s not a car!’ and every time they said that I replied ‘the man that sold me this car said something different’ and then we laugh. But I had to be serious again. It’s baseball time!
Jade’s POV
I’ve been running the past years so I didn’t totally got into the vampire world. I never played vampire baseball (or even knew that that existed). The good thing was that Bella didn’t either. I was in a car together with Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and Edward. Bella was on her own and Carlisle and Esme where making the field ready. I could see that we were almost there because Emmett wanted to go faster all the time. That actually didn’t said anything special because he wants that all the time, but still it I knew we were almost there.
Alice started as pitcher and Rosalie was at bet. The teams where as following: Edward, Rosalie, Emmett and me were one team and Jasper, Alice, Carlisle and Bella where in the other. Esme was the refugee. Alice threw the ball towards Rosalie and she hit it so hard that I finally understood why we needed thunder. The game was amazing, but then something happened. Alice lost a ball and let the baseball bet falling on the ground. We all rushed towards her because we knew that there was something wrong. When Alice came out of her vision she said ‘there are coming vampires. Does anyone know a vampire with a short tail, one with a African looking skin or red hair?’ she said. I could hear Bella stops breathing. Everyone stared at her. ‘one of them changed me!’ she said.
‘they’re not allowed to see me! if they know I’m still alive I’m sure they will kill me!’ she said. New part of the story, I said in a note to myself. ‘they followed me a little when I “escaped” threw the window’ she said. Everyone nodded. ‘Bella, put your shield on. The rest, go and stand in a line. Together we’re stronger than them!’ Carlisle said. ‘by the way, no not in a line. Everyone around Bella. Me and Jade are the front’ he said. I was surprised, but I stand next to Carlisle. Then there were happening a few things. One: the vampires came into the view. Two: I recognized them.
Hey guys, I’m sorry for not uploading so long! I’m trying to work on school, this story and Everything changed, my other twilight fan-fic, but that’s quite hard. And in between that my account was also deleted for a while, so I’M BACK ;) Please vote, fan, comment and enjoy! And again, sorry guys!

A different life (A Twilight Fan-Fic)(Completed)
FanfictionCOMPLETED What if the Cullens came 15 years later, when Bella is at the age of 32 (they've never been in forks before)? What would her life look like? Would she be in a relationship, would she have kids or a job? And will/can she still be in love wi...