Chapter 12
Edward’s POV
The next morning, after a horrible night full of burning pain, I felt a lot better. No sarcasm here, I really felt better! Carlisle came to check if the wound was okay, and even the bandage didn’t have to be changed anymore. It could just go off. Apparently a vampire heals quickly. More quickly than werewolves. That had to be said. I walked down stairs, to only see Emmett in the living room. ‘Hey Emmett’ I said with a happy voice. ‘Oh hello, Edward’ he said, putting the stress in my name. I sat down next to him on the couch. ‘Seriously Emmett, what is wrong with you?’ I asked him. ‘Nothing’ he murmured, before he stood up and walked upstairs. I tried to read his minds, but the bite from Jacob apparently weakened me so much that I couldn’t do that for a while. But that meant… Silence! Finally! No voices in your head, not knowing everything everyone thinks… I stood up to go outside. ‘Where are you going?’ Esme asked with concern. She had just entered the room. ‘Hunting, haven’t done that in ages!’ I replied. ‘Shall I join?’ she asked. I could sense she still was concerned about me. ‘Yeah, sure!’ I therefore said. Esme joined me, and we ran outside.
Emmett’s POV
Edward was seriously getting in my way now. Couldn’t he just leave me alone? I had to fulfill my plan… Well, it wasn’t exactly my plan, but I had to fulfill my order. And I couldn’t have my family stand in the way of it. That would ruin it all! But I shouldn’t focus on that. I should focus on my order. At least, not when Edward was there. If he was there, I should focus on other stuff. He wasn’t allowed to read my minds and find the order. But, after he was bitten, he couldn’t read minds anymore… I opened the door to my room, which I shared with Rosalie. I entered it, and sat down in the chair next to the door. From there, I stared outside. And I started to think. How am I going to do this? And then I saw a scene that caught my eye. I stood up, and walked over to the window. Outside, were Edward and Esme, running to the river. If they were gone… I was alone. That meant… A plan filled my head. This is going to rule.
Bella’s POV
‘Stupid school… Stupid students… Stupid humans’ I muttered. I was like, really pissed off. “We need you, miss Swan!” they had said. With other words, don’t come, and you’re fired. When I thought about it, maybe that would be better. If I would stay with the Cullens…. And then it hit me. I didn’t even know if I would! I thought I would, I mean, I’ve shared so much with them! That couldn’t just been broken because they had to leave… Edward… I knew I couldn’t leave him. He couldn’t leave me. Whatever, if it would happen, both of us would be in terrible moods for the rest of our eternity lives. And believe me, eternity is long. And I’ve only been a vampire for 15 years! After these thoughts, I hadn’t realized that I already was at my classroom. I entered it. I heard someone whispering, and all the 24 students stopped with what they were doing. They knew I was in a bad mood, and they knew I was pissed off easily then. Or, like now, already was pissed off. ‘Open your book on page 396 and start to read’ I simply said. They all did as I said. Good kids, I thought.
That afternoon, after 7 hours of horror, I finally was able to leave. I didn’t even care to check some quizzes. I didn’t have any anyways. ‘Miss Swan!’ someone yelled from behind, exactly at the moment as I wanted to step into my car. I balled my fists, and turned around. ‘Yes, principle Gregory?’ I asked him, with the best controlled voice in this university. ‘You shouldn’t be leaving, you officially have to work till 5 pm!’ he said. ‘Principle Gregory, can I call you Greg?’ I said. He didn’t reply, so I counted that as a yes. ‘So, Greg, I have some things going on at home, so I want to leave now, at 3 am’ I said. ‘You should fill in a form first!’ he said. This man started to annoy me! Well, to be honest, he always has been annoying me. ‘I DON’T CARE, OKAY?!?!’ I burst out. Greg became furious. ‘THAT WAS ENOUGH! IF YOU LEAVE NOW, YOU’RE FIRED!’ he said. ‘Okay’ I said, as I stepped into my car. ‘I QUIT!’ I yelled, before I left the parking lot. As I drove to the Cullens house, it came through what I did. I don’t have a job anymore. ‘WHOOHOO!’ I yelled, hands in the air. Some guy buzzed behind me. ‘SORRY!’ I yelled back. Don’t get me wrong, I love, correction, loved my job, but it never has been the thing for me to change my looks. And, I can stay with Edward now, forever and always.
As I reached the Cullens house, I saw a shocked Alice running out. I immediately knew that something was wrong. At full vampire speed, I ran over to her. ‘What is it?’ I asked at exact the same moment as Edward did. Apparently, he also had been close. Wait a second… ‘You’re okay, Edward?’ I asked him. ‘Yes I am, thanks for asking’ he said with a sweet look at me. Alice coughed. ‘Ahum’ she said. ‘Oh, yeah, right. What did you see?’ Edward said. ‘They’re coming’ she said. ‘Who’s coming?’ I asked. ‘The vampire army of Victoria! And she has Jacob with her!’ she replied. I stared at her blankly. ‘What?’ was all I could say. Edward did more. ‘I’ll get Carlisle and the rest. Alice, can you go get the werewolves?’ Edward said. ‘Yeah, sure’ Alice said, before she vanished out of sight. Edward left a second later as well, leaving me alone. I didn’t want to break down now my best friend apparently joined an army to destroy my boyfriend, so I decided I would make myself useful. I took off, going to Jade’s house.
A few seconds later, I knocked on the door. ‘Jade?’ I asked. No answer. Maybe she was out? But I knew that was nothing for Jade. She would never leave without telling us, and if she was here she normally stayed home. I leaned to the door, and to my surprise, it opened. I quickly recovered myself from stumbling, and walked in. I saw a small dust layer on the wooden chairs. I opened the bedroom, which I could see wasn’t slept in for the past week. That meant that Jade never had come home after Australia… I walked back into the living room, to see a note on the dining table. Maybe it was an excuse for Jade, for if we would find out she left? Maybe she just wanted to be alone. I picked up the piece of paper, and I gasped for breath. This explained it all… I put the note in my pocket, and took off. I wished so desperately that I wouldn’t come too late…
Hi guys!
Sorry I had to laugh for a second xD
Anyways, as you probably all know by my message, A different life exists exactly a year now. To celebrate, I'm going to post chapter 35 with the most epic Eclipse finale EVER today. Yeah!! Well, I first have to write it... BUT IT WILL BE THE MOST EPIC ECLPISE FINALE EVER! Mind my words xD
Please Vote, Comment, Fan and Enjoy!

A different life (A Twilight Fan-Fic)(Completed)
FanfictionCOMPLETED What if the Cullens came 15 years later, when Bella is at the age of 32 (they've never been in forks before)? What would her life look like? Would she be in a relationship, would she have kids or a job? And will/can she still be in love wi...