Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2.

I stare at him in disbelief.

"You're beautiful," He says softly. He was still pinning me against the wall but it didn't hurt.

"No, I'm n-not," I stutter.

"You are beautiful and that should have been me you were grinding on, not him," he says punching the brick wall.

"I'm s-sorry," I stutter again. Why the hell am I apologising?

"I'm going to kiss you, don't pull back," He says leaning in.

"I don't k-know how t-to kiss, I haven't been kissed before," I say slightly embarrassed.

"Bull shit," He says in disbelief. I look away, why is that so bad? "Well I guess I'm going to be your first kiss then," He states.

"No," I answer.

"No? Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks angrily.

"No," I answer.

"Then what do you mean?" He asks annoyed.

"You're not going to be my first kiss," I start to say before he smashes his lips against mine. I'm shocked to begin with and then I was kissing him back. What the hell is wrong with me? But I couldn't stop, his lips were so soft and addictive.

He holds onto my waist as he lifts me up. My legs wrap around his waist as my hands make their way up to his hair.

My lungs suddenly felt like they were going to burst. But I didn't want to pull back. When his lips were connected with mine it felt like fire works. As cheesy as that may sound, it's true. He was the first to pull back. He laid his forehead against mine. I don't know what to think about this.

He leaned in and kissed my lips again. This time it was gentle. He pulled back and looked me in the eyes.

"Now you've had your first kiss," He says. "That boyfriend bit will soon be ticked off of the list too," He says smiling cheekily.

No, no, no. I have to get away from this guy. He's crazy.

"Will you dance with me?" He asks seriously. I shake my head, no. He puts me down and grabs my hand and pulls me back into the club and onto the dance floor where the music is blasting.

"Dance," He growls into my ear. I slowly move to the music. I'm not sure whether I'm uncomfortable or comfortable with this?

He turns me around and places his hands on my hips so that I'm not facing him anymore. I need more alcohol to be doing this.

I grind up and down his body placing my hands on either sides of his hips, making way down and then back up.

His hands move slowly from my waist to my ass and he squeezes, making me jump a little. "You have a nice ass," He whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

He plants butterfly kisses down my neck and I tilt it a little to give him some more access. Why am I doing this? For gods sake why?

I think god answered my prayers as Belle and Emily cough awkwardly trying to get my attention. I turn my head and see them looking at me with a what the hell look.

"Uh, we're heading off now, you coming?" They question looking at me and then back to Jace.

"I'll drive her home love," He says in his beautiful British accent. Did I really just say that, mental face palm. Before I can even open my mouth she nods and takes off with Emily.

I was going to say yeah I'm coming but no. I really want to make a run for it but he has a firm grip on my waist.

Heaps of people were staring at us and whispering things too each other.

Okay, I gotta get out of here. "Ah, Jace, I kind of have to pee," I say blushing a little, trying so hard not to meet his gaze.

He nods before taking my hand and pulling me over to the rest rooms. He leads me over to the females toilets and lets go of my hand.

"I'll be waiting," He smiles showing off a set of dimples. I nod before walking in. I notice a window on the side of the cubicles. Okay this is my only way out. I open up the window and a cold breeze hits me, giving me goose bumps.

If I would have known I would be climbing out of a window trying to get away from a psychopath, I wouldn't have worn these heels and tight dress.

Okay, it's now or never. I slip off my high heels and start climbing out the window. The main door opens. A blonde girl walks in. She was wearing a short dress and heels.

She looked at me with confusion and walked straight up to me. "Are you by any chance here with a British guy, brown hair, tall, model like?" She asks. I nod in response.

"Well he just asked me to see if you were okay?" She questions, "but it seems like you're doing a runner," she chuckles softly. "May I ask why?"

"He's not exactly my type," I mumble sliding down the window.  My feet touch one of those big dumpsters and I manage to put all of my weight on it.

"Okay," she whispers shutting the window. I could hear her heels clicking on the ground as she walked off.

I jump off the bin and onto the cold cement and put my heels back on. I definitely don't want glass in my feet or I can't compete in the race on Monday.

Hey this is the place where Jace pulled me out to. I froze in my spot, what if he comes looking for me once he realises I'm not in the rest room anymore?

I walk towards the main road that's connected to this creepy ally way.

I pull out my phone and dial Belle's number.

"Pick up, pick up," I keep mumbling to myself. No answer. Of course she doesn't answer while I'm stuck in this situation. Just my luck.

I walk past the main entrance in the club and take a glance in. Big mistake! There he was staring at me with an unreadable expression.

I start running, but these heels were slowing me down. If I was in my running shoes I would definitely be able to out run him. I run at an easy pace that could some what out run someone.

I could hear his feet hit the pavement also. Hell! He's catching up, he's catching up.

Suddenly a hand caught a hold of my wrist and swung me around so that I came face to face with him.

"You seriously tried getting away from me," He yells. I close my eyes.

"Open your eyes," he growls. I slowly open my eyes so that I was staring at emerald green ones. They where so hypnotising. I just couldn't stop staring. "Meagan," He growls again.

"What do you want from me?" I mumble.

"I want you," Is all that he says.

"Why?" I ask confused.


"If you want me, than you have to actually try. You can't just expect to claim me," I argue.

"If you knew me Meagan, you would know that I do what I want, I like what I want, and I get what I want, and what I want is you and you know what? I don't need your permission to have you," He says through gritted teeth.

I felt offended by that. The fact that he thinks he can claim me is unbelievable. "The point is, I don't know you Jace and I'm not staying to find out," I glare, walking straight past him. This time he doesn't come after me.


Trying to fix all of the mistakes is actually kind of hard. There are so many and I'm literally cringing at the story line. Young me definitely sucked at this. I literally wish I could re write it, but that would take way too long.

Bad Boy Jace CarterWhere stories live. Discover now