Chapter 13.

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Chapter 13.

"I took advantage of Belle while she was drunk. I took her virginity and recorded it. I showed all of my friends and then realised how wrong it was and deleted it," He says. I just stand there shocked.

"Belle found out a couple of days later when my friends were laughing at her: I'm really sorry, I thought if I did that, then you would be hurt as much as I was but after a couple of days, the day Belle found out I panicked and asked her not to tell you and begged for forgiveness, she agreed not to tell you but never forgave me and she said that I had to tell you my self, that's why she hates me so much, I'm an asshole and I'm so sorry," He sighs, waiting for my reaction.

"Please Meagan, say something," he pleads. I don't know what to say or do so I just stand up and walk out his front door.

I slide down my bedroom door and cry my eyes out, I only just reunited with Danny like what, two days ago?

Poor Belle, I knew she wasn't a virgin, but I didn't know that it was Danny that she gave it to. Well technically he took advantage of her drunkenness at a party so she didn't really give it to him.

"I'm so sorry Belle this is all my fault," I whisper as warm salty tears run down my cheeks and onto the floor.

"No it's not," she whispers as her eyes flutter open.

"It is Belle and I'm so sorry," I sob into my hands. She sits up onto the bed and gestures for me to sit in front of her. I do what she says and I climb onto the bed.

I had this question stuck in my head since Danny spilled.

"Did Jace see it?" I ask. "What did he do?" I ask.

"I'm not sure," she shrugs. "I used to have a crush on Danny remember? It sucked a hell of a lot more once I found out," she mutters.

"Belle...I...I don't know what to say...want to go let off some steam?"

"What do you mean?" She asks wiping away a few stray tears.

"Let's go to the gym and let off all this anger, it'll be fun. I do it all the time," I smile standing up. She smiles also and stands up excitedly like nothing even happened.

"Let's do it," she laughs. I chuck a sports bra and some tights in her face and she laughs. I grab a pair for myself. We both dress quickly and put some running shoes on.

"Ready?" I smile, she nods and she grabs her keys. We make it outside and I place my bag in her boot and we both tie our hair up into ponytails.

She pulls up into Angelo's Fitness and I notice Jace's car in the parking lot, what the hell is he doing at this gym? Doesn't he go somewhere else?

It's 5:45 by the time we make it there and I can't help but feel curious as to why Jace is here.

"Jace is here," I mutter.

"What? Why!" She asks annoyed.

"I have no idea..." I trail off.

"Well, let's hope he doesn't annoy us," she laughs walking through the entry.

"Yeah hope really isn't on our side at the moment," I laugh, but some part of me wants to run into Jace to get an explanation out of him.

I place my bag into my gym locker and notice Jimmy training a client. I walk right up to them and smile politely.

"Jimmy! How have you been old geazer?" I ask giving him a hug.

"Great actually, feeling young again, jut training Jace here," he laughs pointing to Jace. God damn it!

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