Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6.

I chuck my keys on the bench and hit the wall hard. I hear a crack and let out a shriek.

My hand I think, may be sprained or broken . Great. Note sarcasm. I hear a knock on the door and decide wether I could put up with the person on the other side.

I sigh and open the door with my good hand. "I heard a scream, are you okay Megz?" Danny asks.

"Don't call me that," I mutter walking into the kitchen with him hot on my heels. I grab an Icepack out of the freezer and softly place it on my hand which is resting on the bench. I take a seat and he takes one across from me.

"Did you do that?" He asks pointing to the hole in the wall.

"Duh," I roll my eyes pointing to my broken hand.

"We should get you to the hospital," he states. "After we talk," he adds.

"Isn't my hand more important?" I ask annoyed.

"No. Look Megz, you can't keep blaming me for what happened a year ago, it's not fair."

"I can, and I will,"

"No, you can't. You're being immature about the whole situation. Haven't you ever thought about my feelings? We both caught your mum and my dad having sex, not just you. We should be dealing with this together. You're not handling it too well and neither am I. We were best friends Megz, don't throw those 10 years away because of our parents mistakes. They're gone and we're here. You've changed so much and I'm not saying that's a bad thing. You're hotter, that's for fucking sure. But please, just listen to me, it was their fault that we have only one parent now, it's not my fault and it's not yours," He says.

I flinch at his words and look down to gather words. "I know it hurts, but that was a year ago. You've changed, you used to be so funny, talkative, caring, and now you're just quiet, sensitive, angry, sad. You started going to the gym, you've started working out, you're punching walls for fuck sake, just slow down a bit Megz. You know I fucking miss you." He begs.

I look at him and frown. He's telling the truth. My life's been speeding up ever since mum decided to do what she did. I still hate her for it.

It's not Danny's fault, although Iv'e been blaming him for a year. We were best friends for 10 years and this is how Iv'e been treating him for a year. I'm a horrible friend.

I don't know what to say. My mouth opens and closes and the only pathetic words I can muster is "I'm sorry," I mumble letting my head drop into my hands. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me. I wrap my good arm around him and cry.

The first time I cried in the year. Pathetic, I know. "Now let's get you to the hospital," he smiles sympathetically.

We walk over to his house next door and jump into his car. I rest my head against the seat and close my eyes. It's weird being in this car again. Brings back so much memories. Sneaking out, going for midnight McDonald runs. It was fun back then.

You know how I said I have never been kissed? That was a lie. Danny was, when I was 7 when we first met.


"Danny push me on the swing?" I asked him excitedly.

"Okay, but you have to make me a mud pie when we get home," He smiles. I giggle and he grabs my hand and we run over to the swing set at school.

"Now push," I giggle pointing to the sky. He uses all of his strength and I feel like I'm touching the sky and feel the wind blowing through my hair.

Bad Boy Jace CarterWhere stories live. Discover now