Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11.

"What? No I didn't mean it like that," I say frantically as I take a step towards him but he takes one step back.

"What did you mean then?" He growls. Oh great.

"We have to do this play in drama class and Danny and I got the lead roles of Romeo and Juliet and they have to...kiss," I reply.

"Fuck no, you're not kissing any other guys, acting or not I don't give a shit," he says through anger.

"You can't tell me what to do," I snap.

"There's no way in hell you're kissing him or any other guy," he says.

"It's just Danny," I defend. Danny groans obviously not wanting to be any where near our argument. He sits down on the grass and watches us intently.

"Exactly. It's another guy!" He yells, clenching and unclenching his fists.

"It's not like I haven't kissed Danny before," I yell back. Wait, that wasn't meant to come out. My eyes widen and he stumbles back. His eyes going wide as well. I look at Danny and he's just shaking his head at me.

"W-what?" Jace stutters. I felt really bad. "I thought..." He drifts off and his head falls down. "Never mind," he says and walks away.

I wanted to run after him. I really did but my legs were frozen. I watch as he disappears.

"Why did you say that?" He asks. "Not only is he sad about you kissing me when we were what 7? He is going to kill me because he got the wrong impression," Danny says standing up.

"I...he was just getting me so angry, It just came out. I didn't mean to," I stutter looking down at the ground in shame.

"Well now you have to go tell him the truth."

"But he thinks he's my first kiss," I shoot back.

"Well it's either that, or he's going to think you cheated on him with me," he snaps.

"Please, it's not like we're even dating!" I yell at him, trying to at least defend myself.

"It doesn't matter Meagan, it's Jace we're talking about. He's never committed to a girl before, he doesn't even speak to them, he talks about you all of the time and then you out of all people tell him we've kissed, like it's nothing. I'm his best friend Meagan. Go after him and tell him the truth," he says.

"I...okay," I say giving up my pride. I really messed this one up didn't I? I turn my back on Danny and run to where Jace walked off to. When I make it around the corner I see him sitting up against a tree. He doesn't notice when I approach him and he seems to be picking at a flower, reminding me of the time Danny and I kissed.

I have to tell him it happened at the age of 7 or he will never trust me ever again. And I know I wanted Jace to leave me alone from the beginning. But now that he's in my life, I don't think I could get rid of him, let alone him leave me.

"Jace," I stutter. He doesn't look at me, instead he frowns and turns away like he doesn't want to even look at me. "Just listen to me for a second, " He doesn't say anything instead he let's out a shaky breath and looks at me making me feel even more nervous.

"Look that kiss, that was 11 years ago," I say quickly, looking away so I don't have to meet his intense gaze.

"W-what," he stutters standing up to face me. "You told lied, why?" He says.

"I didn't consider it my first kiss and it happened 11 years ago and I was just so angry at you that you try to control me all the time and I just exploded, I didn't mean to," I say in one breathe.

Bad Boy Jace CarterWhere stories live. Discover now