1. The Struggle

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~ Kyle

I wasn't sure when I started noticing how attractive my roommates were. It must have happened slowly, gradually building from simple friendship to something so much more. If only I had the guts to bring it up. But how could I? I didn't just fall for one of them, I fell for all three.

First there was Leo. Straighter than straight Leo. I couldn't help but fall for his ever present smirk, because you always knew that he had some sort of prank planned. His curly red hair and startling blue/green eyes were absolutely to die for. Plus he worked out almost every day. The dude was ripped.

There was Jackson, who had been the shy kid until I had finally gotten him to open up. Underneath that socially awkward exterior, he really was a sweet, sometimes really talkative kid, who only ever wanted the best for everyone. Who wouldn't love that?

Then there was Josh, who was your typical gay boy, but he would never go for me. I've seen the guys he goes for, and I'm nowhere near that standard. He was so out of my league, with his movie-star smile and his rumpled brown hair, and his gorgeous brown eyes that always seemed to have a lightness in them. He looked even better when he wore his glasses, which he didn't do too often, unfortunately.

I sighed, leaning back in my chair, taking my eyes off my roommates. One of these days I'm going to get caught looking at them. Leo and Josh were currently lounging on the couch watching a football game on the TV. Jackson was at his desk working on what was probably homework. I had been attempting to do my own when I got distracted. Leo just had to jump up when his team got a touch down, letting his shirt ride up just enough for me to get a glimpse at those back muscles.

Ugh. I'm getting distracted again.

"Hey, Kyle. You alright?"

I looked up to see Josh staring at me. He had been the one to ask the question. For a moment, I got lost in his eyes. I blinked. "Yeah, yeah. This paper's just stressing me out." And it wasn't the only thing.

"Take a break then," Leo said. "Come watch the rest of the game with us."

I nodded. Maybe it would be good for me to think about something other than them, or my paper, which I had barely started and it was due tomorrow. I'd get it done. Hopefully.

Only until after it was too late did I realize how bad of an idea it was to join them. Here I was, sitting between two of the three most attractive people in the world, who had no idea I even liked guys, by the way. Ten minutes into watching the game, I realized that I had a massive hard on. There was no way I was getting up without them noticing.

I tried focusing on the game. I had never really been a football fan, it had always been too confusing for me. Too many rules, and they always went through everything super fast, so I could never actually learn. Well, maybe that was also partly because I barely listened, but whatever. Football was confusing.

By the the time the game finally ended - 48 to 7, Leo's team won, Josh's lost - my boner had gone down. Thank god for football. Never thought I would ever say that. Luckily, none of them were paying attention to my crotch while the game was going on, so I was safe, at least for now.

"I guess this means I gotta finish my paper now," I groaned, remembering about my assignment. "I hate homework."

"Tell me about it, dude," Jackson said, turning around in his chair. "This calc homework is absolutely ridiculous."

Josh jumped to his feet. "Gurl, you're not looking at it right. Lemme see this." Did I mention Josh was also super smart? Well, he is. He could have gotten into any Ivy League school he wanted, full ride, but instead he chose to come here, to our tiny little state school in the middle of nowhere. But then, if he had gone anywhere else, I never would have met him.

Leo put his hand on my shoulder for a moment before standing up. The contact sent a shiver down my spine. "Good luck on that paper, man. I'm so glad I had no homework this weekend."

"You suck!" I shouted, giving him a small shove. He didn't even budge. Damn him and his extra strength that I didn't have. I stood up, hoping to close the distance between us, but I already new it was useless. Leo was about five inches taller than I was. "Write my paper for me."

"No way, dude. That's all on you." He smirked his famous smirk. I knew something was coming, but what?

I pushed past him, pretending to be upset. I didn't get very far, because after one step, I fell to the floor. Hard. He tripped me.

"What was that for, Leo?" I asked, getting to my feet. I ignored his outstretched hand. Why did I like him again? Oh yeah. Because he's gorgeous and funny and adorable and so many other reasons.

"Sorry, Kyle," he said. "Didn't mean for you to actually go down. You alright?"

"Yeah. I'm good. It's all good."

Except if he could do that to me as his friend, what would he do to me if I told him I was in love with him?

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