36. Birthday

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~ Jackson

The next two weeks flew by way too quickly. One moment, we were getting back from Thanksgiving break, the next, finals were starting. I wasn't too worried about my finals this semester. Whether I would do well on them or not was a different story, but at this point, I had mostly given up. I had good enough grades to still pass if I ended up not doing well on them. And the finals I have already taken seemed to have gone decently well. Hopefully. 

Josh, on the other hand, was a complete mess. It was the third day of finals, and he seemed to have completely forgotten that his birthday's tomorrow. He's been freaking out over his biochem exam he has the day after, which is his hardest one apparently.

Tomorrow was going to be awful for him.

We finally convinced Josh to put away the textbooks around one in the morning. Okay, Leo and I convinced him. Kyle had gone to bed a few hours before because he had a really early final.

"What time is it?" Josh asked sleepily. He definitely should have gone to bed awhile ago.

"Almost one, love," Leo said, picking him up like a small child. Josh wrapped his legs around Leo's waist. "You know what that means?"

Josh just blinked at him.

I kissed his cheek. "Happy Birthday, baby." I said. "You're officially twenty."

He groaned and buried his face against Leo's neck. "I'm so old," he mumbled.

"If you're old, what does that make me?" I had turned twenty about four months ago, back in August. 

Leo let out a small chuckle. "I think it's bed time for the old men, what do you say?"

"But I need to study." His voice was quiet, like he was struggling to stay awake.

"You're falling asleep, Josh," I said.

He lifted his head up and nodded slowly, trying to keep his eyes open.

Ten minutes later, we were all curled up in the bed together. Josh was out the second his head hit the pillow. Leo and I followed not too long after. We were going to need this sleep if we planned on making it through the rest of the day.

~ Josh

I bolted upright when Kyle's alarm went off in the morning. When did I get in bed? I quickly wiggled out of bed, while he was still struggling to wake himself up, and, after pulling on a shirt, sat down at my desk. A few minutes later, when I was already focused on my biochem notes, Kyle wandered out of the room, still looking half asleep.

"What are you doing up, birthday boy?" Right. It was my birthday, wasn't it? "Go back to bed. You don't need to be up." He walked over and gave me a kiss before I could answer.

"I have to study."

He sighed and shook his head. "Don't work yourself too hard. We have something for you that you'll really want to take a break for later, kay?"

Now it was my turn to sigh. "I don't have time for sex today."

"Who said anything about sex?"

"As much as I love you, and this guy here," I put my hand on his crotch for a second. "I know you all too well for that. Also, Leo told me about the birthday sex he gave to Jackson this summer. Did he tell you about that? I had a major freak out over it, BTW. They're just so cute and I'm so glad they're ours. But anyway, I need to study. And don't you have an exam to get to?"

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