49. Parents

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~ Josh

"Did you just fucking lick me?"

I lifted my head to look towards the bedroom door, where Kyle's voice had come from. I had gotten up early to get some homework done. Looks like they're awake now.

"That's gross, dude."

I chuckled silently and shook my head.

"Me licking your face is gross? We've done a lot nastier things than that, love."

Leo and Kyle walked out of the room then, Kyle rubbing what was probably Leo's spit off his cheek.

I smiled at them. "You've also had a lot worse on your face than a little bit of spit," I added.

He scowled at me. "I hate you."

I smiled, knowing he didn't mean it. "Good morning to you too, sleepy-heads."

Kyle grumbled something before making his way into the bathroom. Leo laughed and walked over to wrap his arms around my shoulders.

"Morning, love," he whispered into my ear. "You're up early."

I quickly turned my head to give him a kiss. "It's ten thirty. It's not that early."

He straightened up and shook his head. "On a Saturday. What time did you actually get up?"

I shrugged. "An hour ago?" Maybe it was more like three hours. What? I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep! "But I'm just about done with my physics homework!"

He kissed the top of my head. "That's great." Then, he did something that I should have expected him to do. He licked up the entire side of my face. I could tell why Kyle had a problem with it. Even though it was Leo's spit, and we've all had plenty of Leo on us, this time, I didn't get any enjoyment out of it.

"What has gotten into you today?" I asked, wiping my face with my hand.

He smirked. "Just having some fun, that's all."

"Did he lick you, too?" Kyle asked, coming out of the bathroom. He looked much more awake this time.

Before I had a chance to answer, I saw Leo's tongue reaching for me. I jumped out of my chair and ran over to Kyle to avoid being licked again.

Kyle wrapped his arms around me protectively and I smiled, watching Leo's face fall.

"Do you not like when I lick you?" I could tell he was trying to keep himself from laughing.

"Go lick Jackson," Kyle suggested. "See if that tongue of yours can wake him up."

We both watched as Leo's face lit back up and he hurried into the bedroom. This was going to be interesting when he manages to wake him up. Jackson won't be very happy.

I felt my head being turned, and I looked up to see Kyle looking down at me. He smiled. "I love you."

Standing up on my toes, I kissed his lips. "I love you, too."

A ringing from the kitchen stopped whatever it was Kyle was about to say next. We both looked to see Leo's phone on the table. He had just gotten a text.

"Leo!" I called out. "Your phone's going off."

I walked over, leaving Kyle's embrace, to grab it. On the screen was a message from his mom. I knew he was having trouble with his parents lately, mostly over the fact that they lied. But at least they're trying to fix the rift between them, right?

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