45. Relying on Friends

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~ Jackson

I pushed open the door slowly, not exactly sure how my presence was going to be received. All three of them were sitting on the couch, and they all looked at me when I walked in.

Before any of them could say anything, I raised my hands in defense. "Don't worry. I'm just getting my toothbrush, then I'm gone."

None of them replied, all turning their attention back to the homework that they were doing. It was better than I expected it to go. I was afraid there'd be more yelling.

Like earlier.

They had called me back, wanting to talk things through. I don't think it went how any of us expected, at least, I know I didn't expect all that yelling. They kept bringing up the fact that this keeps happening, so why shouldn't they assume that it'll happen again, maybe something worse?

I know I hurt them. I feel awful about it. But if they needed time to get over it, then I would give them that time. I just wished they didn't need time.

Walking into the bathroom, I grabbed the few things that I would need for the night. I reached into my pocket, fingering the folded piece of paper for a moment before pulling it out. Looking over the words one more time, I left it on the counter, where I knew it would be spotted the next time one of them came in here.

None of them even looked up as I left the room.

I took the stairs two flights up, wanting to walk, rather than take the elevator. For the past hour, I had just been wandering around campus, unsure of where to go. But I think I knew who I needed to talk to now.

It's been months since the last time I was in this room. Matt and I didn't hang out too much, but he was always willing to listen if I needed him to.

I needed him to listen today.

His room was the one right next to the stairwell, so I didn't have to go too far down the hallway. I knocked, not even sure if he was here or not. After a moment, the door opened to reveal the person I was least expecting.

"What are you doing here, faggot?"

I took a deep breath, trying to ignore the comment. "Reed? I'm looking for Matt. Is he here?"

"You planning on turning him gay, too? I know what you did to your roommate already."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Is he here or not?"

Reed sighed. "Yeah. Think he just got out of the shower."

He walked away, leaving the door wide open. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to go in or not, so I took one step in, still standing in the open doorway.

A minute later, Matt came out with just a towel around his waist. "Jackson? Come in. What are you doing here?"

I took another step inside the room and closed the door behind me. "I need someone to talk to."

Matt nodded. "I can listen, just let me throw some pants on. Have a seat."

Two minutes later, we were both sitting at his table, Matt fully clothed. Reed still had yet to reappear, not that I minded at all.

"So what's up?" Matt started.

I let out a sigh. "I fucked up." I shook my head. "It's not even my fault, but I still fucked up."

"With Leo? Dude, what happened?"

So I told him what Sarah did. He already knew what Marisa had done that first time, so I didn't need to go over that again. When I was about halfway through, Reed left the room, not even bothering to say anything, not even to his roommate. Good riddance.

"And your other roommates took his side?" I nodded, not ready to get into the details yet. "Sucks, man. But you can stay the night here. We have that extra bed."

"Will Reed be okay with it? I'm pretty sure he hates me."

Matt scoffed. "Why would he hate you?"

"Cause he's the biggest homophobe I've ever met. And that's saying something, cause my mom absolutely hates me."

"Reed's a homophobe?" Matt started cracking up. "That's the funniest thing I've heard all day?"

"What are you talking about?"

"He's totally in love with Kyle, his old roommate."

My hands curled into fists in my lap. "You mean my current roommate? The one Reed bashes on for being gay?"

He started nodding, but stopped and looked at me concerned. "Are you alright, Jackson?"

"That asshole better stay the hell away from my boyfriend," I muttered. I didn't even realize I said that loud enough for him to hear, until he questioned it.

"He's in love with Kyle, dude. Not Leo. Didn't you hear me?"

I shook my head. I trusted Matt, I should be able to tell him the whole truth. "If I tell you something, will you promise not to freak out, or tell anyone else?"

"Dude, whatever you have to say, I'm sure it's not that big of a deal. Unless you tell me that you're cheating on Leo with Kyle."

"Kyle is my boyfriend. But-" I cut him off before he could say anything. "He's also Leo's boyfriend. Josh, too, is with all of us."

"What the fuck is going on in that room of yours, Jackson?"

"You said you wouldn't freak out."

"I'm not. I'm just so confused. I mean, it does kinda make sense, now that I'm thinking about it. I'm pretty sure I've seen you guys getting close with each other around campus, with someone that's not your official boyfriend. I just figured I was seeing things that weren't actually going on."

"Yeah, I mean we're not directly saying it, really, but we're not hiding it either. I love all three of them so much, and it hurts that they don't want me in the room."

"You know what you need to do? You need to do some grand apology. And stop having girls kiss you all the time. Let them bitches know that you're proud to be in the relationship you're in."

"How do I do that, though? I've already told them how sorry I was a thousand times. They just can't get past the fact that this is my third time being caught kissing someone I wasn't in a relationship with, even though the last two weren't my fault."

"Three times? When was this? Marisa, and Sarah. Did you kiss another girl?"

"God, no. Kyle. It was before everything. It's the beginning to how we all got together, so Leo never blamed me for it."

He let out a short laugh. "God, dude. I'm sorry, but you've got some issues."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks," I said, the sarcasm rolling off my tongue. "But seriously, how do I apologize to them to get them to talk to me again?"

"Now, that. We're going to have to make this epic. And I have the perfect idea."

A/N: Hey guys! I know this one is only Jackson's but that's because I really needed to get this all out here. And the other boys really aren't doing much except homework and trying to be mad at Jackson. As always, please vote and comment! I really appreciate each and every one! Thanks! 

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