23. Apology Attempt

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~ Jackson

When I was finally able to get away from Marisa and her rather stupid questions about our computer class, I made my way back to the room. I swear, she probably only asked for my help to get back with me. I can't believe the nerve of some people. Especially her. Why was I even still friends with her? I don't think I want to be after today. She wasn't worth my time if she was going to keep pulling things like this, because I knew that she wouldn't just drop it that quick.

All I kept thinking about though was how I left things in the room an hour ago. I wanted to get back to that, to continue to go wherever it was going to lead us. I wondered how far they had gone without me there. I didn't even have a chance to grab my phone before Marisa dragged me away, so I couldn't even ask how things were going.

I found them all in the kitchen when I walked in. "Hey guys," I started, shutting the door behind me. "Sorry about that. Marisa just needed help with her homework. We're in the same class."

I stopped in the doorway when I realized no one was even looking at me. Then Leo, who was sitting at the table with his back to me, burst into tears.

I rushed over to him, wanting to see what was wrong, because Leo never cried. But Josh and Kyle got to him first, and blocked me from him. Was it something I said?

"Leo, are you okay?" I asked him.

He shook his head slowly, and spoke through his tears. "Like you'd even care."

I was really confused. "What? Of course I care, Leo. I love you. What's wrong? You can tell me. Did you re-injure your arm?"

"I think you should leave," Kyle said, facing me.

"Why? What did I do?" Leo sobbed harder.

Josh pulled me out of the kitchen. Hopefully he would give me some sort of answer, or at least tell me why Leo was crying.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked him.

"Oh, I don't know, Jackson, maybe cheating is a just minor thing to you, but to us, to Leo, it's a pretty big deal. So I'd suggest you leave, at least for now."

"Cheating? What are you-? You saw Marisa kiss me in the hallway, didn't you?" I brought my hands up to cover my face. Of course they did. That would make sense. 

"He did." Josh pointed to the kitchen, at Leo.

I sighed, frustrated. How could she mess up my life like this? How was I ever going to convince them that I'm not a cheater, that I would never get back with her?

"She kissed me, and I pushed her away!" I practically shouted. "I don't like her, and I never will!"

"Who is she?" That was Leo. He didn't sound like he was crying anymore, but he still sounded upset.

I walked to the kitchen and stayed in the doorway. "She's my ex-girlfriend. But I would never get back with her, even if we were the last two people on earth."

He looked unsure. "When did you break up? Why didn't we know her?"

"Because she's absolutely crazy, which is why I kept her away from you guys. We barely dated for a month before she broke it off, saying it wasn't working, but we kind of stayed friends. She was actually the one who convinced me to tell you how I felt about you, Lee."

Leo shook his head. "But now she wants you back? And yet you disappeared with her for an hour." He looked so defeated. I felt awful.

"I don't care what she wants anymore. I have you guys, and I couldn't ask for anything else, for anyone else. I don't trust her. But all we did was work on her homework. I was helping her through an assignment. That's it."

Nobody said anything for the longest minute of my life. Finally, Leo spoke up. "I'm sorry, but can you leave? Just for a little bit. I just need some time."

I nodded my head slowly. I understood why he needed his space, but I wish he didn't need it. I also wanted to know what Kyle and Josh were thinking. But I get it. Right now, it was Leo's opinion that mattered more. I had been with him longer. I probably hurt him the most.

Walking out of the kitchen, I walked over to my desk, packed up my backpack with homework that needed to get done for tomorrow, made sure to grab my phone this time, and left the room. I'll wait in the library or somewhere until they let me know it's safe for me to come back. I really hoped I would be allowed back in there.

But either way, Marisa was going to pay for the pain she caused.

~ Kyle

I felt really bad for Leo, I did. But I also felt really bad for Jackson. If what he was saying was true, and I believed him, then he should be fine. But Leo was having a hard time accepting it, even if it wasn't his fault.

We were all sitting at the table. Josh had finally made some french toast for us, but they just sat in the middle, untouched. None of us had said anything yet since Jackson left, just trying to think things through on our own.

Leo was the first to break the silence. "What do you guys think?"

"I think he was telling the truth about her," Josh said. "He sounded sincere about it."

Leo nodded before looking at me to answer. "I agree. He did sound really worried about you, and immediately acknowledge the fact they kissed once he realized we knew."

"Yeah, once he realized that. He wouldn't have told us otherwise." He sighed. "I don't know if I can trust him anymore. This isn't the first time I've caught him with someone else." He looked at me and I knew exactly what he was referring to. "I know it wasn't really anyone's fault, and we all worked something out, but still. I've caught him with you, twice now. Before we were all together. Who's to say he won't go back to this girl?"

"Because I know for a fact that he loves you, Leo," I said. And it was true. I've seen the way he looks at him. It was pretty obvious. "And you don't cheat on someone you truly love."

I saw Josh flinch at my words, and I immediately regretted them. I wished he would just get over Brandon already, but I knew it was hard for him.

Leo must have also noticed the flinch. "How did you feel, when you caught Brandon cheating?" Josh looked a little uncomfortable, so Leo quickly added, "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

Josh shook his head. "No, it's fine. It was definitely heartbreaking. But I think it hurt more because he said he had never loved me, even though he told me he did. I fell for his tricks. I don't think Jackson is lying to you. I think he wholeheartedly loves you, Leo."

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