2. Left Confused

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~ Kyle 

We were both lounging on the couch, talking mindlessly while some show played on the TV. I wanted to spend time with Josh, so I didn't care what we watched. Also, Jackson and Leo were both out, so I had Josh all to myself. Leo was at the gym, and Jackson was at class. We had at least an hour before one of them came back.

Josh suddenly stopped whatever it was he was saying and stared at the TV. I wished I had been paying more attention to what he had been talking about, but I just ended up getting lost in those eyes when he looked at me.

Turning my attention to the screen to see what had captivated Josh, I saw two of the characters in a heated argument. The guy pushed the girl up against a wall, then suddenly, they were kissing.

"Yes!" Josh screamed. "They finally kissed!"

He leaned his head against my shoulder. I tensed at the contact. It wasn't an unusual thing, he just hasn't done it since I started feeling attracted to him. "Aren't they just adorable?" He asked. "I've been shipping them like the entire season!"

He looked up at me, still leaning on my shoulder. His deep chocolatey eyes seemed to look straight into my soul. 

I don't know why I did it. Maybe it was those eyes, tempting me, or maybe it was the characters on the screen. But I leaned down and gently pressed my lips against his. I was finally kissing Josh.

It took a second, but he starting kissing me back, getting into the kiss. That's when I threw my eyes open, I hadn't even realized I had closed them, and jumped to my feet.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry." I stumbled around, trying to pull on my shoes and find my keys. I needed to get out of here. He was never going to talk to me again. I can't believe I actually did that.

Josh stayed sitting on the couch the whole time I was running around, looking shocked. After a minute, I had everything I needed and I ran out of the room.

~ Josh 

I watched Kyle run around the room, then out of it, like a crazy person. I still hadn't moved from the couch, too shocked at what had just happened to even wrap my mind around it. Kyle had kissed me. I kissed him back. But why did he do it? And then why did he run?

Was it my fault? I had always thought that I was a good kisser, at least, that's what my last boyfriend always told me. Then again, we broke up almost a year ago. I haven't kissed anyone since then. Maybe I was out of practice.

I never suspected Kyle to be gay. He only recently broke up with his girlfriend, too. Maybe he was using me to experiment on his sexuality and realized that being with another guy was completely gross. Do I take that personally?

I was still sitting on the couch when Jackson walked in. My show had ended some time ago. I had no idea how the episode ended. I would need to rewatch it later, online.

"You alright, man?" Jackson asked, closing the door behind him.

I nodded. "Yeah. I think so."

He smiled. "Intense episode?" He knew my show schedule pretty well; I was never sure whether to be impressed or a bit worried. That was a level of dedication I wouldn't be able to reach for someone else.

Honestly, I wasn't even thinking about the episode anymore. "There was a kiss, but I'm not sure what it means now." 

"Ah. Drama." He tossed his backpack next to his desk and sat down next to me. "That's why I never watch those kinds of shows."

I nodded again, reaching for the remote. I didn't know what was playing now, and I wasn't feeling like trying to get into it.

"Where's Kyle? He's usually here."

I shook my head. "He just kinda ran out of here. I don't know where he went." Do I tell Jackson what happened? Or should I wait until Kyle and I can talk about it?

"Huh. That's not like him."

"No, no it isn't." I should probably wait, especially if he wanted to forget it ever happened, which was quite probable, with that reaction.

I started flipping through the channels. Nothing seemed interesting. Okay, no. I wasn't paying enough attention to determine if anything looked good. I was thinking only about Kyle. 

I actually really enjoyed that kiss, as unexpected as it was. I wanted another one from him. But from his reaction, I didn't think I'd ever get that chance. 

Tossing Jackson the remote, I stood up. "I'm going to go for a little walk. I can't stand being here any longer. See ya later."

"Alright, see ya."

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