15. Tops and Bottoms

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~ Jackson

"Maybe this is going to be harder than I first thought," I said to Leo. Josh and Kyle had gone to bed a little while ago, but we weren't tired yet, so we stayed up. The TV was on, but we haven't really been paying attention to it. We had just been up talking.

Leo looked at me confused. "Why?"

"Cause, when Kyle kissed your cheek, I realized I didn't want to share you. I mean, I know what we agreed on, it's just weird, you know? It's gonna be hard to get used to, that's all."

He let out a small chuckle. "I didn't know you felt that strongly about me, Jay."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course I do. Or did you forget the whole 'I love you' thing?"

"I just wanted to hear you say that again." He grinned as his kissed me softly on my neck, making me let out a small groan.

"Leo," I groaned as he started running his hand under my shirt. "Leo, we can't."

"Why not?" He still wasn't stopping.

I pulled away from him. "One: you're a screamer. We don't need to wake them right now. Two: we're not doing anything with that arm of yours."

Leo pouted. "I only screamed because you didn't give me any warning. All of a sudden your dick was in my ass. Speaking of, it's my arm that's broken, not my ass. So sex is still very much possible."

"The answer's still no. Sorry, babe."

"What's a no?"

Both Leo and I turn to see Kyle coming out of the bedroom. He looked half asleep.

"Jackson won't have sex with me," Leo whined. "Do you wanna, Kyle?"

Kyle looked confused. "Not now. Right now, all I want to do is pee then go back to bed. Shouldn't you guys also be in bed? It's like two."

I quickly glanced at the clock. He was right. It was 1:53 in the morning. When did it get this late?

"Yeah, we should go to bed," Leo said, standing up. "But we are not done with this conversation. I refuse to wait six weeks for sex. It's just not happening. Whether it's you or one of them, I will get my fill of dick, and soon."

I sighed. He was becoming such a sex devil. And to think he was actually nervous the first time we did it.

~ Josh

I no longer knew how to act. I knew where I stood yesterday, when I had one boyfriend, who I've been with for nine days as of today. Now, I have three boyfriends, two of which I've been with for less than a day. How could I possibly know how to act in this brand new relationship? I've never even known someone in a polygamous relationship, let alone have actually been in one before.

I still slept in Kyle's bed last night. Where else would I? I hated the top bunk, but, me being the shortest, I was volunteered for one of them as soon as we moved in.

Besides, it's not like I would just stop sleeping in the same bed as him, right?

This morning, when I got up (thankfully Leo didn't get me up extra early again), Leo and Kyle were already up. Of course, Jackson wasn't, and I didn't expect him to be.

I walked into the common room area to see Leo and Kyle deep in conversation about something homework related. I wasn't sure if I was relieved or not to see them not making out. But I was confused as to what to do. Do I kiss Kyle good morning like normal? Do I kiss Leo too?

I ended up just saying a quick good morning before making my way to the kitchen to grab some breakfast.

Hopefully they didn't find it too weird.

A few minutes after sitting down with a bowl of cereal, Kyle and Leo joined me. They sat on either side of me with their own bowls. Neither of them went for a kiss, which was good because my mouth was full. That would have been gross.

"How'd you sleep, babe?" Kyle asked me between bites.

I nodded. "Pretty decently. You're up early, though."

Leo raised a finger off his spoon. "Yeah, that's my fault. It was his turn to get Jackson off." He blinked, as if realizing what he said. "Off of me, like yesterday."

I chuckled. "Yeah, got it. Jackson sure would be upset if he slept through being jacked off though."

"Well he doesn't deserve that right now," Leo said, a bit harshly.

I looked at him confused. "Why?"

Kyle answered. "He won't sleep with Leo until his arm heals." Leo pouted, clearly upset about it. "Speaking of, I never pictured you as a bottom."

I nearly choked. "You bottom?"

"What? Why is that so hard to believe?"

I shook my head. "No reason."

Jackson walked into the room at that moment, looking like a mess with his bedhead and rumbled clothes. But an attractive mess, nonetheless. "What's going on?" He questioned.

"They can't believe I bottom."

Jackson smirked. "Nobody touches this ass. Not even Leo."

Being the one sitting closest to where Jackson stood, I knew it was up to me. I reached out and slapped his butt, not too hard, of course, but enough for him to feel it.

He looking down at me, annoyed. "Wow. What did I just say about touching my ass?"

I laughed. "Sorry, it was just too tempting. You don't have to worry though, I've never topped before. Don't really have an interest in doing so either."

Jackson nodded his head. "So we've got two bottoms and a top. What about you, Kyle?"

He shook his head. "I've only ever been with girls."

Leo's mouth dropped open, as he looked between Kyle and I. "You two never...?"

"Nope," I answered. When I saw their questioning looks, however, I answered before they could ask. "I've slept with Brandon." My voice broke a bit when I said his name. It was weird, I hadn't said it in over a year, haven't seen him in over a year, yet he was still bothering me. Why was he still bothering me like this? He was gone. He was out of my life. He needed to get out of my head.

Kyle grabbed hold of my hand, and I calmed down. I hadn't even realized I had started panicking. He wasn't here anymore. Kyle was. Leo was. Jackson was. They wouldn't hurt me. I knew that. 

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