32. Homeward Bound

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~ Jackson

Of all people, why was I the one leaving first? Probably because I lived two hours away in a different state and my dad didn't want to take off work tomorrow to come get me? Yeah, that was most likely it.

But here I was, Tuesday night, saying goodbye to my boyfriends before Dad got here.

"We should move the beds back," I suggested, looking at them. "What is my dad going to say when he see there's one bed for the four of us? My parents may accept me now, but I'm not sure what their stance on a polygamous relationship is."

"But we're not leaving until tomorrow," Leo whined.

"Remember way back when, a few weeks ago, we were all sleeping in a single bed? Yeah, if we managed four, you can manage three." Like that weekend Kyle went home. I knew we were all thinking it, but I didn't want to ruin the good mood he's been in lately.

"Let's move it now," Kyle said, already separating the blankets. "Might as well, right? Even if your dad doesn't end up coming in, I'd rather have you here to help me, because we all know these two won't be any help."

"I could help!" Josh exclaimed. 

Leo laughed and put his arm over Josh's shoulders. "Sorry, baby, but I think we've been sidelined."

We had just finished remaking up the beds when Dad called, saying he was outside. My dad was going to come up to help me bring everything down. I didn't even have anything, not really. So I didn't bother leaving anything behind.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," I said with a sigh. I then went around and kissed all three of them. "I'll see you Sunday."

My dad was waiting outside of the door for me. "Hey, champ," he said, pulling me into a one-armed hug and grabbed my small duffle out of my hand. "Took you a while to come down. Is it that hard to say goodbye to Leo?"

I gave him a small smile as we started walking towards the car. "Something like that."

"You really love him, don't you?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I do." And he wasn't the only one I loved. I just hadn't figured out a way to tell them yet. But I knew I was going to soon.

Two hours later, we finally arrived home. I was greeted at the door by the little twerps that were my half-siblings, Kimmy and Adam: the terror twins. The two of them starting climbing up me. When were they going to realize that they were getting too big for this? They were already ten!

"Guys, guys. Come on, get off me." Finally, after a few minutes of trying to pry them off, they complied. "Shouldn't you guys be in bed already? It's passed your bedtime."  

"We missed you, Jacks," Adam said. "We wanted to see you."

"It's so boring without you here," Kimmy added. 

I patted them both on the head as I walked past them, anxious to get to my room. "Well, you get me for the next few days, then I have to go back to school."

Kimmy grabbed onto my leg. "No! Don't leave us again, Jacks!"

This was going to be a long week.

~ Leo

"Guys, I think I forgot to pack something," I shouting, running back into the bedroom.

Josh was in there, sitting in between the two separated beds, packing up his own bag. He stood up when I entered and stopped me from tripping over something. "You didn't forget anything. And, just in case you did, it's just Thanksgiving break. You're coming back on Sunday. It's Wednesday now. It'll go by so fast, you won't even realize that you're not wearing any shoes all week."

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