38. The Whitaker Family

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~ Josh

I was still sore when I woke up the next morning, but I didn't hurt as much as last night. I don't even remember falling asleep, but I woke up here, in between Jackson and Kyle. I must have fallen asleep studying, so they moved me and my notes so that we could all go to bed. I was so not ready for this final today.

Checking the time, I calculated that I had enough time to shower before I needed to leave. Unless of course I chose to study more. But I stank. The shower needed to happen.

I crawled out of bed, careful not to wake anyone, and stood up. Definitely still sore, but at least I could stand up this time. Grabbing a change of clothes, I hobbled into the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, I was out the door and headed to my classroom. On my way there, I saw someone who I hadn't seen in a while, and who I hoped I never had to see again. I really hoped he wouldn't notice me as we walked passed each other.

"Hey, faggot." I looked up to see Reed standing right in my path, a huge grin on his face. Great. I didn't have time for this. "What's wrong with you? You're walking funny."

I smirked, already too annoyed at the day to care. "Yeah, that's because I can get laid. Too bad you can't."

His grin was instantly gone. "I can so get laid, whenever I want. And it never hurts me."

I just shrugged. "Who said it hurt? It was the best sex of my life. I kinda feel sorry that you'll never get the chance to experience it either, because even if you wanted it, no guy will ever want to touch you. Sorry honey."

His mouth dropped open as I stepped around him. I had a final to go take.

Out of the two hours we were given, I was done first, in just over an hour, and I knew every answer. This day was starting to look up.

I walked into the room to find all three of my boyfriends were awake. They were sitting around the table, eating cereal. There was a bowl left out in front of my seat.

"Hey, babe," Jackson said. "How'd it go?"

I smiled as I walked - limped - over. "Great."

"Are you still hurting, love?" Leo asked, stopping me with his arm on my waist.

I kissed his cheek. "Still a little sore, yeah. But I'm good."

The look in his eye told me I was not going to like what he was going to say next.

~ Leo

"Hey, Kyle?" Josh called across the room. He was laying on the couch, playing with his new cube.

Kyle walked out of the kitchen. "You need something, babe?" We had confined Josh to the couch, considering he still hurt when he walked.

"What are you doing for break? Are you coming home with me again? Mama's asking."

Kyle shook his head. "I'm going home. Kind of. I didn't tell you guys?"

This was the first I was hearing about this. "Is this because of what your dad said yesterday?" Maybe he decided he did want to give his dad a second chance.

"Nope. I decided this before that. My friend, Freddy, is driving up this evening. I'm going to stay with him, and sometime while I'm there, probably tonight, I'm going to get my stuff from home."

"Dude! Do you not love us anymore or something? What's wrong with staying with one of us?"

"Of course I love you! I just don't want to put your families out. This is a whole month, not just a few days, like Thanksgiving. Besides, he's super chill about everything, about the whole gay thing."

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