28. Gym Troubles

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~ Kyle

I grabbed Jackson's dirty plate out of his hand just before he could stand up. We had just finished our attempt at making mac and cheese for dinner. Thankfully, Leo and Josh had banned me from the kitchen. I didn't even want to know what I would have made instead. Not that Leo would be any better currently, but whatever they did, it was still edible.

"You know I'm not a piece of glass, guys," Jackson complained. "You have been acting like I'm so fragile all week. I'm no different than I was before. I can bring my own fucking plate to the sink."

"Here I thought I was just being nice to my boyfriend," I said.

"Who said we were treating you like you're about to break?" Leo asked, kissing the top of his head.

I turned my back to them for a moment to place the dishes into the sink, but I could feel Jackson's eye roll behind me. "I didn't tell you guys so that you could act like this around me. It happened once, twelve years ago. I'm perfectly fine now."

So maybe we have been a little more gentle around Jackson since he told us his uncle raped him. It's been five days since that afternoon, and it wasn't something we could just ignore now.

"We're just worried about you, Jay," Leo said, then he smirked. "But if you're sure that you're fine..." I watched as he went and straddled Jackson's lap. Leo leaned over to kiss Jackson on the lips. "You sure you're good with this?"

"You've done this before. The only problem I have with it is that you're fucking heavy, Leo."

Leo jumped to his feet immediately. "Oh, god. I'm sorry. This is my fault. I haven't been to the gym in over two weeks. I'm getting fat. I knew it."

He tried leaving the room, but I blocked his path. Jackson came up behind him, hoping he would turn around, but he didn't.

"I'm only kidding, Lee. You have barely any fat on your body. And even if you did, I wouldn't love you any differently."

Leo was still facing me, but looking down in shame. Why would he be ashamed? "Barely is still something, though. I've been eating the same as I used to, but I'm not working it off, so I'm getting fat. I know I am."

I moved his face so that he was looking at me. "Leo, you're really hot, okay? And," I lifted up his shirt a little bit. "Do you want to know what I see? I see a rib." I poked one, just to prove my point. "Being able to see your ribs means that you're not fat, in the slightest." I put his shirt back down, but left my hand on his waist.

"Besides," Josh said. "Not having any fat whatsoever is unhealthy. You're body needs some to survive. And I like you, Leo. I kinda want you to survive."

That got a small smile out of Leo. "Just kinda?"

Josh bit his lip, making him look really sexy. "Okay, maybe a little more than kinda."

Leo bent down and kissed Josh quickly. "Thanks, baby. But I have a paper I need to finish for tomorrow. I'm going to work on that now."

I moved out of his way. He was still upset, I could tell. But there was no getting through to him now.

Sighing, I looked at Josh and Jackson and shook my head. We were all a bunch of messes, weren't we?

~ Leo

I knew they were just trying to cheer me up, but I couldn't help but still know that I was getting fat again. When I was younger, I did have weight issues. I hated how I looked back then, so when I was finally able to lose it, I needed to make sure I kept it off.

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