6. Confessions

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~ Kyle

It's been a week since that afternoon I first kissed Josh. Now, we've kissed so many times I wasn't even trying to keep track anymore. Or should I say, Josh wasn't keeping count anymore. He used to tell me a number each time we kissed. I think that began sometime around number ten. I couldn't even remember what number he stopped at.

I felt almost giddy every time I looked at him. He made my heart race and all the blood rush to my lower area. It was hard (no pun intended) to even be in the same room as him now without some sort of physical contact.

I'm pretty sure Leo and Jackson were getting a bit annoyed at us.

But it's not like we're the only ones doing the whole PDA thing. Ever since I caught them, and they finally admitted their relationship, they've barely been able to keep their hands off each other.

I wish I could say that my relationship with Josh has lessened the attraction I felt for my other two roommates. It hasn't. Instead, I feel like it's gotten worse.

Every time that I walk in on them being all cute together, even if it's just them cuddling together, I get an instant boner. It's getting more difficult to hide it from them when Josh isn't around.

I wish I had the courage to mention the feelings I had towards them. But I couldn't bring myself to, too afraid of what might come of it. Or what they'll think of me.

"Hey, babe." I turned around just as I felt Josh's hands wrap around my waist. I was about to plant my lips onto his when Jackson burst into the room.

"Guys, thank God you're here. Leo's hurt."

~ Leo

Hurt was a relative term. So maybe I couldn't move my arm at all. And it was swollen and bruised. I've also been ignoring it for the past couple days. Probably shouldn't have done that, but oh well. Too late for that.

I had convinced Jackson to come to the gym with me today. He never comes, always telling me how pointless it was. For him. He liked when I worked out. Which is actually how I convinced him. I told him he would get to see me all hot and sweaty. He was ready in a heartbeat.

I guess it was a good thing he came with me so that he could go get help when my arm gave out on me and I almost killed myself with the weights. So maybe I should have gotten my arm checked out last week when I first injured it. Or at least stopped working it as much. That was my bad.

I was currently sitting in the lobby of the gym, one of the employees sitting next to me while we waited for an ambulance to arrive. Jackson had run to get Kyle and Josh, and anything else he found necessary to bring with us. I didn't exactly hear what he was saying as he ran out of the building.

The person who was sitting with me told me my shoulder/upper arm was probably broken, or at the very least, sprained. I didn't doubt it. It might have started off as a little sprain last week, but the constant use cause it to get worse. Now it hurt so badly, I could barely think straight.

Jackson came running into the building just then, followed by our other two roommates. They all looked frantically worried, like I was dying or something. Maybe Jackson told them I was, he always has been a bit on the dramatic side when it came to situations like these.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Josh asked as they all gathered around.

I nodded my head. "I'm not dying."

We hung around for another couple of minutes before the ambulance finally arrived. It took forever to get here. What if I actually was dying here?

The EMTs got me onto the stretcher, which I said was absolutely unnecessary, but they wouldn't listen. They also said that only family could go with me. Jackson somehow was sitting next to me when we started moving. I guess they convinced the EMTs to let him come. We were dating, after all.

I wasn't sure how long it was until we got to the hospital. Jackson was answering questions, probably about what happened to me, but I wasn't listening. I was staring up at the roof of the ambulance in so much pain to focus on anything. Why wouldn't they just give me something for the pain?

It helped that Jackson was holding onto my hand. My good hand. The other one hurt too much to move. I think I squeezed his hand too tight, hating every bump that made me shift positions on the stretcher.

~ Jackson

That boy is seriously going to make me go insane one day. I couldn't believe he was working out a sprained arm, shoulder, whatever it was he actually hurt. They couldn't tell. Not right not. That would have to wait for the real doctors to check when we got to the hospital.

When we arrived, Leo was ushered into a room right away. I had called Leo's parents while we were still at the gym, so I waited in the lobby for them while the doctor looked at Leo's arm. While I waited, I called Kyle's phone to update them on everything. I told them to stay behind and that I would keep them updated.

"Jackson." I heard my name called from behind me just as I hung up the phone. Turning around, I saw Mr. and Mrs. Graham, Leo's parents. "How is he doing?" His father asked the question.

"The doctor's looking at him now. We're pretty sure he broke something because he's been working on it nonstop, even though he hurt it last week."

His mom sighed and shook her head. "That boy feels the need to make himself buff to become more attractive for the girls. Doesn't he get how handsome he already is?"

I had to hold myself back from agreeing. It wasn't my place to tell the Grahams that their only son was gay.

Soon, the doctor came out and told us we could go in to see Leo.

I let his parents go in first, and then, when Mr. Graham held the door open for me, I followed.

"Oh, Leo!" His mom cried rushing over to the side of the bed. He was wearing a cast that went from his shoulder past his elbow, and his arm was in a sling. Knowing Leo, that was not going to stay on very long.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Leo said, sounding kind of dazed. They must have given him pain medication. He lifted up his good hand and pointed at me with a small smile on his lips. "That's Jackson."

"We know, sweetie," his mom said. "He's been your roommate for over a year now."

"He's my boyfriend."

Both of his parents looked at me now. I was shocked. Leo had just told me the other day that he wasn't ready to tell his parents yet, afraid of what they will say. It must be the pain meds he's on. He probably won't even remember he said it later.

"Is it true?" his father asked me.

"Yeah." What else was I to say? I didn't even know how they felt about gays, let alone how they'll react to their son dating me.

"How long?" his father continued the questions.

"About three months?" I was terrible with dates, but that sounded about right.

Mr. Graham nodded his head slowly. "So you let him do this to himself?" I looked at Leo, who was fast asleep in the bed. So much for him coming to my rescue.

"Honestly, I didn't know he was that hurt. He came back from the gym early one day last week, saying he hurt his arm, but then never mentioned it again. I thought he was fine. I'm just glad he made me come with him today."

"As his boyfriend," his mother said, cutting off her husband from whatever else he was going to say. "You're job is to keep him safe. You did that today by being there at the gym. I know how stubborn Leo is, and I know that you're in for a tough ride. But if you really care about him, you'll make sure he stays safe."

I was nodding along as she spoke. "Of course. I love Leo, and I really care about him. I never want to see him hurt." It took a moment for what I said to sink in. I said I loved Leo. And I was pretty sure I meant it too. I smiled as I said it again, just wishing he was awake to hear it. "I'm in love with Leo."

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