14. Decisions

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~ Leo

As soon as Kyle ran out of the room after Josh, I looked at Jackson. "What did Kyle say, before Josh left?"

I had to know, I needed to know. Even if Josh wasn't on board, was Kyle going out there to convince him or to plan our murders? Did I need to prepare myself for death already?

Jackson shrugged. "He said he liked it, our kiss. He would totally be on board if it weren't for Josh."

So what did that mean now? When they came back into the room, there was going to be one of two answers. One: they decide to not take up our offer and resent us for bringing it up in the first place. Or two: Jackson and I have two more boyfriends. I wasn't sure which was more likely at this point. But I definitely knew which one I wanted.

"Come here," I said, motioning Jackson over to me with my good arm. He tucked himself into my side and wrapped his arms around my waist. He fit so comfortably there. "Whatever they come back saying, we'll make it work, okay?"

"If it doesn't happen, you still won't be mad at me for kissing him, right?"

"Of course not. Yeah, I was at first, but now that everything's been laid out on the table, it's okay. As long as I don't find you like that again with either of them if we don't go through with this? Okay?"

He nodded into my shoulder. He and Kyle were about the same size, so I didn't need to think about what it would be like to hug Kyle like this. But Josh was so tiny. I felt like I would crush him if I even tried something remotely sexual with him. Even a hug like this could squish him. 

Maybe that should be something to think about only if they agree. I shouldn't get my hopes up right now.

It was another ten or so minutes before the door slowly opened. Kyle and Josh walked in, hand in hand. What could that mean? Were we sticking with two and two?

"Hey guys," Jackson said cheerfully. He had moved over to the couch a few minutes ago. I was still leaning against Kyle's desk, having been scrolling through my phone.

"So, before we agree," Josh started. "We want to know what exactly will be involved. What's going to happen if we say yes?"

I felt a smile creep onto my face. That wasn't a straight out no. I motioned to the kitchen table. "Why don't we take this into my office?" I said with a chuckle.

They followed into the kitchen area and we all took our seats around the round table.

Kyle spoke first. "So, Jackson said this wouldn't be all about sex, right?"

I saw Jackson nod. "Yeah, well, I mean, sex will come eventually. Hopefully. But we shouldn't rush into things. I think that just having the chance to be with all of us will liven up our relationships."

"And if we find it doesn't work, we'll go back to how we were," I added in. "I just think that the four of us were really close as friends. What's to stop us from becoming even closer? Together."

"Rule number one, though," Jackson said. "Honesty. We'll always be honest with each other, no matter what."

"Rule number two," I said. "No favoritism. We're in this together, or not at all."

~ Josh

I had agreed to hear them out about this whole thing. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad, being with all of them. I mean, they are all pretty hot, and they all say they like me back.

Maybe I should actually listen to these rules that they were going over. I was the one who had asked to hear them before making a decision. 

I just don't know if I trusted that things will be okay, even if this doesn't work out. After my last break up... I can't think of that. Kyle wouldn't do what he did. Jackson and Leo wouldn't do what he did.

I heard my name, and I looked up to see all three of them looking at me. "What?" I asked. Did I miss something?

"I was just asking what you thought now," Kyle said, grabbing hold of my hand. "Remember, we don't have to if you don't want to."

I took a deep breath before looking at Leo and Jackson. "Why do you guys like me?" I needed to know from them, not just what Kyle was assuming. I didn't want to enter this based on assumptions. Because we all know what they say about those...

Leo looked at me confused, but answered first. "You're gorgeous, Josh. Seriously. And you always laugh at my jokes, even the ones that aren't funny."

"Yeah, Josh," Jackson cut in. "You're hot and completely amazing. You're always so friendly to everyone and super smart."

I could feel my cheeks heating up. Could all those things really be true? Or were they just saying that?

"Hey," Leo said. "Remember the first rule? Honesty. We would never lie to you, Josh. You are all those things, and I can tell you're doubting it. Please don't."

Honesty. Of course they wouldn't lie to me. They weren't him.

~ Kyle

I could tell Josh was fighting with himself over what Leo and Jackson were saying. I wish I had know just how deep those wounds Brandon had left were, but he never showed them until today. How was I supposed to know?

I squeezed his hands a little, letting him know that he was okay, that we were here for him. That no matter what he decided, we would respect that decision.

Eventually, Josh nodded his head slowly. "I think I want to give it a try."

I smiled widely. He agreed, which made me so excited. This is what I had been wanting for weeks. Fighting with myself over how'd they react if I brought it up, and over the whole morality of it. Because seriously, who liked three people at once? I was glad, though, that I wasn't the one to bring it up. Now I didn't feel so bad about myself.

I officially had three boyfriends, as of this moment. If I told myself a couple weeks ago that I would be here, right now, in this situation, I would not believe it. A couple weeks ago, I couldn't even except that I was gay!

Leo and Jackson looked just as excited as I felt. Even Josh was smiling, probably happy that we were happy. Or maybe he really did like this idea. Josh was a tough one to figure out, especially when he put up his walls, which I had a feeling were going up again. It's that self-doubt he has. I wish he didn't have to suffer from it.

"So, now what?" Jackson asked, before laughing. "Do we just..."

He picked up Josh's other hand and kissed it gently. A flash of jealous passed through me, before I remembered that Josh isn't just mine anymore. Jackson could do that if he wanted to. If Josh wanted him to.

The same way I could lean over and kiss Leo. Which I did, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. He smiled. Jackson seemed to look slightly jealous. Serves him right for kissing me before.

This was a start, though. Maybe there were going to be a couple bumps in the beginning. But they'll smooth over soon. I hoped. I really hoped this all worked out.

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