34. Acceptance?

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~ Leo

I was so ready for Jackson to show us his package, but then he just stopped. 

"Sorry guys. Hold on. Someone's here."

What did he mean, someone's there? Kyle, Josh, and I stayed quiet, listening.

I heard what must have been his dad telling him that there was someone there to see him. Who would visit this late? Either way, Jackson left, judging by the fact that we could no longer hear anything.

"So he might be a while," I said slowly, taking my eyes off the wall that was part of Jackson's room. It looked the same as the last time I was in his room.

Josh nodded his head, while Kyle nuzzled his face back into Josh's neck. He reached down and, judging my Josh's facial expression, started fingering his entrance. I smirked. Those two were something else.

Suddenly, Jackson was back on the screen. He looked like he had just run back into the room. "Get dressed. I just did something really stupid."

I quickly stood and pulled up my pants, with only a little bit of difficulty. If Jackson was telling us to get dressed, that probably meant he wasn't the only one we were going to see in his house tonight. But why?

Just as I was settled back into my clothes, I noticed Kyle and Josh pulling shirts over their heads. Jackson was pacing back and forth, obviously worried about something.

"What did you do, Jay?" I asked him. He stopped pacing but didn't say anything, he wasn't even looking at the screen. "Baby, why did you have us get dressed? What's wrong?"

Before he had a chance to answer, I heard what sounded like a pounding on the door, and a muffled voice. I couldn't make out the words.

Jackson looked past the screen, then back at us. Lowering his voice, he said, "My mom showed up, wanting to fix the gay in me, or whatever. I may have gotten angry and it slipped out that I am with all of you. They are so going to kill me now."

"That's not stupid," Josh said. "I did the same thing, Jackson. Slip ups happen, especially when you're upset."

"Is your mom still here?" Kyle asked.

Jackson nodded. "She and my dad are at my door. They want me to talk come out and talk to them. I'm just worried they're going to break in here, hence the clothes."

 I had actually been thinking the same thing as Jackson. I was still worried about how my parents would react. If Jackson's parents couldn't accept this, could mine?  

"What if they just want to figure out how we're making it work? I know my moms were curious too, at first."

"I think you should let them in," I said finally. "They already know, so what else are they going to find out?"

Jackson sighed and nodded, but didn't move.

"We'll be right here with you," Kyle said.

That seemed to help him. "Yeah. Yeah, okay." He walked out of the shot again.

A moment later, he came back into view with his dad, who I had only met a couple times and a woman, who looked so similar to Jackson that there was no doubt that she was his mother.

~ Jackson

I was so nervous. 

None of them have ever met my mom before, and, knowing her stance about homosexuals, I didn't expect this conversation to go over very well with her. With my dad, I had no clue what to expect. He had accepted me being bi, but would he accept this too?

I pointed at the screen, not knowing what else to do. "So, these are my boyfriends: Leo, Josh, and Kyle."

All three of them chorused their hellos.

My dad looked at me confused. "So you're dating all three of your roommates? And they're also dating each other? Is that what's going on?"

My mother scoffed and shook her head, but didn't say anything. I ignored her. "Yes. I started dating Leo first, this summer. Then Josh and Kyle got together. And then this just sort of happened. And I couldn't be more in love with them." I glance at them with a small smile as I said that last part. 

"And you're all okay with this?" Dad asked my boyfriends.

"Of course," Kyle answered immediately. "I am in love with all three of them, and I couldn't have asked for a better group of guys to fall in love with."

Josh blushed and kissed his cheek. "I love them all too. It may have started off being a little weird, but we're not exactly normal people, so why should we settle for a normal relationship, right?"

Leo laughed. "That's for sure, baby. I have to agree, there is nothing that I love more than my three wonderfully beautiful boyfriends."

I smiled again, very sure that I was blushing from hearing all that, but I didn't care. Although I still didn't know what my parents would think, even though Dad was seeming to lean towards accepting, I couldn't be certain, not yet at least.

"If you're all so in love with each other, why are two of you together now?" Mom asked harshly. My smile fell. 

"Well, my parents kicked me out for being gay, so Josh's moms let me stay here for the week." He looked like he was about to continue, but my mom cut him off.


"Yes. I have two mothers who love each other, and me and my siblings, and my boyfriends, very much."

Mom shook her head again. "You know what? This is a bigger problem than I first thought. Christopher," She turned to my dad. "He is your problem now. I'm leaving. And don't come near my son, Jackson. You might infect him with this nonsense."

"Keri," my dad called after her as she was leaving. "He's still your son. And there is nothing wrong with him, or his boyfriends. If this is what he wants, then it's what he wants. Who are we to judge that or to forbid it?"

Mom turned around, a scowl on her face. "Parents don't let their children make bad decisions. If you want to be a bad parent to Jackson, and to your other children, by all means, go ahead. I tried to help, but obviously, I'm not wanted here. Not like I want to be here anyway." Without another word, Mom stormed out of my room and down the hallway. A moment later, I heard the front door slam.

I turned to my dad. "Did you really mean that?"

He smiled and nodded his head. "You're my son, Jackson. I'll always love you, no matter who you love. I told you that this summer, and this doesn't change my mind." 

He pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back, relieved that I still had him.

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