4. Nervous Wreck

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~ Kyle

Walking in on Leo and Jackson making out was anything but normal. Here I was, crushing on both of them, but believing that both are completely straight. And they're here dating each other for the past three months!

With Leo's whole confession, I felt compelled to tell them about kissing Josh, too. Figuring they'd understand. Help me figure out what to do.

I was hoping they would help me get him. Instead, they started making things worse.

"So that's why he looked so upset," Leo said.

My heart sank. Josh looked upset? I knew kissing him was a mistake. I can never take it back now. Josh probably hated me.

"Oh!" Jackson exclaimed. "When I walked in, he looked so confused. I thought it was about his episode, so I asked. He said something about there being a kiss and not sure what it meant now. He was probably talking about you, now that I think about it."

"I feel awful," I said. "I don't even know why I did it."

"Do you like him? Or were you just trying something out?" I wasn't even sure who had spoken. I think Leo, but I had too much running around my head to pay that much attention.

I took a deep breath. "I like him. I like him a lot. And he's not the only one I like like that." I mumbled that last part, not exactly sure if I was ready to admit the fact that I liked them too. If they had heard me and asked, I would tell. If not, then I wouldn't tell them. At least not today.

"Good. Tell him that," Jackson said. I got really nervous for a second, thinking he was telling me to tell everyone I liked. But he kept talking. "Don't just leave him without an explanation."

I sighed. "But I ran. I was scared. And now he's not here."

"I'll call him," Leo said, pulling out his phone. "We'll get this figured out, alright?"

~ Josh

I didn't know where to go after leaving the building. I had never run from my problems before. How did people do that all the time? Running didn't help clear my head. Instead, it just gave me no distractions to think about it all.

Kyle had kissed me.

I kissed him back.

Then he ran.

Was it my fault? How was I going to face him again? What would I say? What if he didn't mean it? 

What if he did?

I was currently sitting at the back corner of the library. I was on the working level, so there was a bunch of people talking around me, but thankfully no one paid me any attention. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now.

As if on cue, my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out to see Leo's smiling face staring up at me. Why was he calling me? He never calls me unless it's important. Usually he'll just send a text.

But I really didn't want to answer. I didn't want to talk to anyone, not even him. He already knew I had 'boy trouble', as he put it, and that'll just make him ask more questions.

I let the call go to my voicemail. If it's really important, he'll leave a message. And it better not be about my mental health.

Instead of leaving a message, however, he called again. Maybe it really was important.

Slowly, I accepted the call and brought my phone up to my ear.

"What's up?" I asked, trying not to sound nervous or anything like that. 

"Where are you?"


"Can you come home? There's something we need to talk about. All of us."

"I-I can't right now." I couldn't. 'All of us' meant Kyle too. I couldn't face him right now.

"Josh, Kyle told me what happened. It's alright. Just come home. I have news that'll make you super happy."

I sighed. So he told Leo. Probably Jackson, too. Did that mean he meant it? Or was he warning them in case I didn't come back tonight? I had been considering it.

"Please, Josh?" It was Jackson who spoke. I must be on speaker. "It's really good news."

"Josh." I stiffened in my seat. That was Kyle. "I'm sorry for running out on you like that. But please come back. I need to talk to you."

"Alright. I'm coming back now." Before I changed my mind, I hung up the phone and started making my way back to my dorm. Here goes nothing.

~ Kyle

I was pacing back and forth across the room while we waited for Josh to come back. He was coming. Which meant he didn't hate me completely. But he was hesitant until I apologized. Did that mean he thought that I thought it was a mistake? Was it a mistake?

"Dude, chill out." 

I stopped walking and looked at Leo, who had spoken. He and Jackson were cuddled up together on the couch. They looked so adorable together. The only thing that would make it better is if I were in the middle of them. 

Shaking my head, I started pacing again. I couldn't think like that. Not right now. There were more important things at stake. Like my friendship with Josh. 

My heart was racing. What would I say when he got here? Tell him I'm sorry again? But was I sorry for kissing him, or running? I wasn't sure.

What if he just ignored me completely?

"Kyle!" I halted and turned towards my roommates. Jackson had yelled my name. "Just sit down, would you? You're making me dizzy."

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I was too nervous to sit.

Before I even had a chance to start pacing again, I heard the key in the lock. Both Jackson and Leo jumped to their feet. I guess they wanted to tell Josh rather than show him, like I found out.

The door opened slowly, revealing Josh. He looked nervous, which was better than him looking like nothing had happened. I hoped, at least. After coming in and closing the door, he gave me a small nod and walked towards the others with a smile. I guess I deserved that.

"So what's this great news, Leo?"

Leo blushed and looked down at his feet. He was so adorable, I couldn't take it.

Josh smiled widely. "Is the almighty Leo flustered right now? Oh my god, this must be good!"

Leo let out a small laugh and looked back up. "So, I'm not as straight as I once thought I was."

Josh's mouth dropped open before he shouted in what I'm pretty sure was joy. "I knew it! Now I just gotta find someone to set you up with! OMG this is so exciting!"

He starting running to the bedroom, but Jackson stepped in front of him. "There's more you need to hear."

Josh looked at them confused. "What more could there be?" He gasped. "You're already dating a guy!"

Leo smiled shyly and nodded.

"No way! I need to meet him, make sure he's good for you."

"You'll like him," Jackson said. "Man, you better like him. If not we're gonna have some problems."

"How do you know?"

"Because I'm the one dating Leo."

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