Chapter 3:

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Phil's POV:
After spending the day with B and PJ, Dan and I were invited to go to Radio 1 for a party with all the Big Weekend guests.

At Radio 1:
Dan and I arrived at Radio 1 just in time for the party. It was the day after Big Weekend and all the acts had come over for a sort of "After Show Party". There were people like Fall Out Boy, Muse, the Vaccines and all of our favourite bands. I could see in his eyes that Dan was excited. There was a figure walking over to us. He was quite small (but everyone is shorter than us), he had thick black rimmed glasses perched on his nose and a black fedora. Patrick Stump.
"Hey guys" he said smiling, "Cool party, I bet you love seeing all the musicians together. It's pretty awesome."
"Yeah, it's amazing seeing all you guys together and getting to meet you too." Dan replied. We sounded so very posh and Queen-like talking to a famous American who knows who we are. So awesome.

3 hours later:
I could see Dan talking to a tall blonde girl in a black mini dress. I didn't know how I knew her but I did. She wasn't a music act. That's for sure. Maybe she was a waitress or bar tender. Anyway, Dan was having a good time. That's all that mattered.

As the party drew to a close I called a taxi to take us home.
"That was a sick night" Dan said.
"Sure was." I reply sleepily, "Who was that girl you were talking to?"
"Oh just one of the waitresses."
"Oh... Ok"
Dan's phone buzzed. He took it out of his pocket and grinned. He replied instantly. I respected his privacy and didn't ask who it was but I was curious. All the drive home, Dan was texting this ominous person. I couldn't take it anymore so I peered over his shoulder slightly to read what he was typing.
Hey, great night tonight. Wanna meet tomorrow? - S
Who is S? I thought.
Sure. Can't wait to see you again 😉 - D

Who was she?

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