Chapter 22

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Pj's POV:
I went to visit Dan in hospital. It was worse than we thought. Phil was there, his pale features accented by the dark circles under his eyes. He looked dead. I was surprised to not see B sitting by her brother's side. I must have made my confusion evident because Phil said, "Monday. School." It had slipped my mind that B was still a student. She was so mature for her age that I thought she was a similar age to Dan. There was a long and painful silence.
"Look, Phil-" I started.
"Your sympathy won't undo what I've done." Phil said bluntly and left the room. I sighed. With Phil gone, I sat on his empty chair and placed the flowers on the small table. "Oh Dan. Please come back. Can't you see how much we're hurting. Phil needs you. We all do. This space is empty, and we all want you there." I whispered, hoping he could hear me. The door to the room opened and Phil walked back in and slumped in a chair near the bed.
"Phil..." I pressed gently, "When was the last time you slept fully?" Talking to him was like treading on egg shells. He grunted softly.
"I dunno. A week maybe? Not since Dan started dating Sophie." Phil said so very quietly, as if he was trying not to wake a sleeping baby.
"That's been two and a half weeks ish. You need to sleep properly. Dan isn't hurting anymore. When he's here, he has 24 hour care. He doesn't need you now." As soon as I'd said it, I knew I shouldn't have. I wished I could just take back those last few words. I expected Phil to flip out of control. The way he used to. Back in 2008. Those were dark days before Dan stumbled into his life, he changed Phil forever. Phil isn't the boy I knew, and he's better for it.

Then it came. The wave of soft speech.

"Maybe he doesn't need me now...

But I need him."

A/N: Yo, sorry if this chapter was a bit same old same old but I'm building up to a massive climax. I hope you enjoyed it just the same though. Also, thank you so much for 240 reads! It's amazing! I never thought something I wrote would be read so much. I couldn't have done it without you <3

Stay awkward,
E x

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