Chapter 6:

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Dan's POV:
I took Sophie to my favourite cafe in London for some lunch. As we stepped in the door, her face changed.
"We're eating here?" She said, disgusted.
"Yes... Do you not like it?" I said, disappointed.
"No." She said bluntly, "Let's go to Starbucks."
"Oh... Ok."
I had a really good time with Sophie, but I couldn't stop thinking about Phil and our argument that morning. Everything Sophie said, made me think of Phil.
"So, do you exercise?" Phil and I always stayed in and watched anime together.
"What is your favourite Netflix series?" Phil and I would watch Netflix together. I couldn't get him out of my head. What did this mean. After Sophie left, I ordered another coffee and texted my sister. She would know what this meant.
Hey B,
So today I went on a date with a girl I met yesterday and it went really well. Just one thing, I couldn't stop thinking about Phil. I don't know why but I couldn't get him out of my head. Please help. Meme Queen x
Don't judge how I sign texts to B. We're weird like that. I finished my coffee and walked to the tube station. I get onto the tube and sit down. The space next to me, where Phil usually stood was empty. I felt a gap next to me. Like a part of me was missing. My phone buzzed with a reply from B.
Well, Meme Queen. You have an issue on your hands my dear. You might wanna come over. BuzzyB xo
Oh dear. So, I got off the train a stop early and got a cab to her house. Nobody was in, so I climbed the outside stairs and knocked on her window.
"What's the password?" Came a muffled voice from inside.
"I've got that Meme Queen, daydream thing that makes you laugh your ass off." I said to the glass. A big brown eye peaked out from behind her black curtains. I pulled a face at her and she opened the window and I climbed in.
"So, Doc, do you think you can save me?" I said, deadpan.
"Well sir, the tests don't look positive." B replied with a worried look on her face.
"No but seriously, what is it?" I asked. B leaned over and whispered in my ear.


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