Chapter 44: Her

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Phil's POV;
It was mid morning on a Tuesday and Dan and I were watching the new season of Death Note. Since coming out of hospital, we've rewatched almost everything so Dan wouldn't be confused. He told me how L reminded him of me. I smiled at his remark. Many people tell me about that likeness, and to be honest, I can see what they mean. Neither Dan nor I were particularly watching the anime but it was good background sound. Every now and again we would glance up from out laptops to watch the action on tv but we were back to how life was before the crash.
"Hey Phil?" I hummed in response.
"Can I lean on you?" My breath caught in my throat.
"I don't see why not." I said, repositioning my laptop and trying to stop myself going red. Dan shut his computer and lay his head on my chest. At first I was uncomfortable due to my crush lying on me, but after a few minutes I was used to the warm pressure on me. His breathing levelled and I assumed he was sleeping. I reached my hand up and ran my fingers through his hair. I smiled to myself. His small curls wrapped around my pale fingers as I weaved them through. His hair was soft and smelt like Dan again. At the hospital it smelt harsh and of chemicals but now it smells like his strong shower gel. We sat in that position for what felt like forever, but I wasn't complaining.

By lunch time, Dan had woken up and we started to make something to eat. Just as I placed the kettle on the boil, the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it." I called through to Dan who was in his room. I ran down the stairs and unlocked the front door to see a face I didn't want to see. If I never saw this brat again, it would be too soon.

Sophie was back.

A/N: o shiz. Also, double update because it's Christmas next week so I might not post the last chapter until the week after? Idk, I'll see how busy I am on the day. If I don't update, Merry Christmas <3

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