Chapter 18:

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B's POV:
Phil was trying to stand strong for me. I was standing for him. We stand for each other. For Dan.
"You're so strong B." Phil whispered into my hair, his arm still tight around my shoulders. Phil thought I was strong.
"I had just collapsed onto you in tears, Phil. I'm not strong." I replied softly.
"That is the first time you've cried since..." He didn't say, but we both knew. "You are the strongest person I know."
"Thank you. I know what it's like." I felt his expression change. "To loose someone, I mean." Phil was still confused. "Well... When I was born, my parents didn't want me so put me up for adoption. As a baby, I was almost adopted 3 times, only to be rejected for another, cuter baby. When I was adopted by a lovely lady who couldn't have kids, I was already 2. After 3 years in her family, my she was diagnosed with leukaemia. She suffered for a year and a half before eternally sleeping." I hesitated. "After that, I went into foster care. Worst 9 years of my life. Bullied by the older girls; told I was weak by the boys; called a freak by the little kids for not being a girl or a boy; just general hell. By that time I was 14. I got fostered and brought back countless times. Nobody wants an emotionally unstable teenager with weird music taste. I was almost 15 by the time my current parents fostered and eventually adopted me. As a 15th birthday present, Ma and Dad got me Summer in the City tickets. That's when I met you and Dan. Everything was perfect. Until a couple of months ago my Dad was diagnosed with leukaemia. The same illness my previous Mum had. He is dying. I know that he probably won't make my Prom next year. So I know what it's like to loose someone. I know how to grit my teeth and bare it. I can mask pain with a simple smile. It's normally the brightest smiles that hide the darkest pain." I said, tears silently streaming down my face.

Phil's POV:
I had no idea how much B had been through. No wonder she used to bleed.
"I'm so sorry." I said into the top of her head. I was terrible at giving support. Especially when I was falling apart too. I checked the time on my phone.
My stomach growled. Lunch time.
"Hey, do you wanna eat?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood, "We can go and see Danny after that?"
She didn't speak but I felt her head move in a nodding formation. I lifted her chin in my hands and stared into her big brown eyes.
"He will be ok. I promise. They won't let anything bad happen to him. I swear on my life that he won't come to any harm."
With every word, I started to believe in myself more and more.

Dan is a fighter. I know he is.

For he is the boy, I've fallen in love with...

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