Chapter 14:

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Phil's POV:
No no no no no. I ran over Dan, lying lifeless on the side of the road. I pulled out my phone and dialled 999.
"Hello, what is your emergency?" Came the calm voice of the operator.
"M- m- my best friend w- w was a victim o- off a hit and run." I replied shakily.
"Ok. Is he still breathing?"
"Um... I- I think so... Yes." I said, as calmly as possible.
"Is he bleeding?" Why so many questions?
"Y- y- yes. F- f- from his head" I said, beginning to cry.
"Ok, we are sending out an ambulance to your location. Try to stay calm sir. He will be ok. I promise. You will get your best friend back."
It took what felt like forever, but was probably more like 5 minuets, for the ambulance to arrive. I could hear it before I could see it. I wiped the tears from my face and prepared to face the emergency service team. They jumped out of the ambulance and ran over to Dan. A woman about my age came over to me and sat me down on the curb.
"Sir, I need to ask you some questions. Please answer truthfully and as calmly as you can. What do you know about this man?" She interrogated.
"So... Um. His name is Daniel James Howell, he is 24 years old, 6ft 3 and known by most as internet blogger danisnotonfire." I answered, each piece of information driving further into my heart. What have I done?
"Thank you sir. Was he in any arguments recently?" She asked.
"What? You think this was an assassination?" I asked, almost dropping unconscious on the spot.
"We aren't going to rule it out yet but please just answer the question sir."
I swallowed the lump in my throat and answered, "Yes. With me and he broke up with his girlfriend today."
"What do you know about this girl, if anything?"
"H- her name is Sophie Medlan, 29, about 5 foot 5, blonde, doesn't like being the one broken up with and hates not getting her own way." I replied, making the sound of this being purposeful more and more likely.
"Thank you sir." The woman said and climbed back into the ambulance.

I looked up and saw Dan's body lying on the stretcher, being loaded into the ambulance.
"We'll meet you at the hospital sir." Said the driver and shut the door on Dan. "You'll have your best friend back. I promise." He said and drove off into the night.

What have I done?

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