Chapter 42: Rebuild your life

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Dan's POV:
It's been 3 weeks since I woke up and my test results were coming through today. My sister and Phil had been in almost everyday without fail, showing me videos and pictures, music and telling me about how I used to be. Phil was my best friend, I could see that even now. B was my sister and I had one other brother. I made videos on YouTube and I'd written two books and performed a stage show all across the world. My life was amazing. Then I got hit. I'd been gone for weeks, with no memory of my life before.

There was a light knock at the door.
"Come in" I replied. The door opened gently and Phil and B were stood in the doorway.
"We wanted to be here when you get your test results back." B explained, sitting down in the visitor's chair by the door. We made basic small talk until the doctor arrived with my medical file.

"So. We have the results back." The doctor explained, "It seems that everything is ok with Daniel physically. However, he's suffering from short term memory loss. We predict that memories should come back at some point but not for a few weeks yet."
I beamed at the news, as did Phil and my sister. The results boosted my mood from 20 to 100%. I might get my memory back soon! Oh my god. This was amazing!
"We also believe that young Dan can go home now." The doctor finished, smiling broadly.
I gasped at the news. Incredible.

"I can go home?!" I exclaimed.

Phil's POV:
The cute boy I used to know returned at the news. His big eyes lit up like a kid at Christmas and his smile grew from ear to ear. Truly a small kid at heart. I grabbed Dan's clothes out of his bag and passed them to him.
"We brought these for you to wear." I said, smiling. B and I left the room while Dan changed and grinned at each other across the hall.

We got our Danny back.

A/N: Hey hey hey. So Dan's going home ^_^ This story is looking up my dudes.

Also, tysm for 700 reads! Wtf? It's so amazing that something I've written has had that many people read it. Crazy. I don't even know 700 people geez.


Stay Awkward,

E x

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