Chapter 21:

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Phil's POV:
I got up and left the room. I couldn't bare to see Dan like that. B needed me. I know she did. But it has all got a bit too real after the Doctor told us about him. I wanted to stay strong for her but I can't. The man I'm in love with is in a hospital bed in a coma because of me. It's all my fault . I can't stay in here. I feel terrible for leaving B. I went anywhere other than that room trying to calm down but it wasn't working everything is falling apart without him.

B's POV:
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Phil get up and leave. It was tough for him. He's never witnessed something like this before. I was used to it. Hospitals and illness and suffering. I had been here too often. I don't know what I've done to deserve this. Phil is like a brother to me and I know it's hard for him. I don't know weather to feel like it's someone's fault. All these emotions around me feel like a dagger driving deeper and deeper into my stomach. I'm trying to stay strong but sometimes even I break down.

A/N: This chapter was a collaboration with my Internet Friend lillymay515 . I had extreme writers block so they helped me by giving me some ideas. They are currently writing a Kellic Fic (not yet published) so if you're into that kind of thing, check that out because they're an amazing author <3
Stay awkward,
E x

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