Chapter 43: Nameless faces and faceless names

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B's POV:
I'd visit Dan and Phil every day to check they were doing ok. Dan was still very confused but was learning about his life very quickly. He re-learnt how to play all his favourite video games and could still kick my ass at them; he can now make better food than before; and he doesn't complain as much, which is definitely a bonus. Visiting daily was hard due to school but I managed. Dan wanted to watch his video I made to look at his past so I played it for him. I pointed out and named the people in the pictures and he would smile and truly tried to remember their names and faces. Now, we would watch the video everyday, each day Dan would try and name more people.
"Dodie, Jack, Hazel, Simon, Phil, Phil again, Dean, Phil again," Dan would mutter to himself, "oh... um.. urh... F-Fe-Fre-no. Who's that?" He would ask.
"Felix." I replied.
"Right. Felix. Felix. Felix. Felix looks like that. Ok. Alright. I'll try and remember." It was sweet how determined he was to remember faces and people.
I shut the laptop after the video and Dan stared at his lap.
"Alright?" I asked, placing my laptop back in the All Time Low sleeve I'd bought.
"Yeah? Yeah." Dan said dismissively. I knew what that meant. If he wanted to tell me what was on his mind, he would. I nodded and sat in the chair across from him. He continued to stare at the floor until speaking again.
"It's so infuriating, you know?" I looked up to see him looking at me deeply. I nodded to acknowledge his remark. "I see these faces and I know them. I've seen them before, I know I have. But I can't tell you who they are or how I know them. You tell me names and I swear I've heard them before. I recognise them so well and clearly. But I can't tell you what they look like or what they do. Everything is just a blur. Nameless faces and faceless names. My life is all pixelated. I can't distinguish anything. It makes me so mad that I can't remember." Dan said.

"You'll come back. You've already made it part way. You're memory will be next. Trust me." I said, trying desperately to comfort him.
"We didn't think you would make it even this far.

Just look at how far you've come."

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