Chapter 12:

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Dan's POV:
I ran outside and jumped on the bus to escape Sophie's rage. I knew she'd be mad but it was the right thing to do. Right? I was eager to get back to Phil and confess how I felt. B had told me to be honest to him about my feelings. That he might feel the same way. She knew something I didn't. Sneaky little bitch but I love her really. Getting on the tube was absolute murder as per usual so I stalled and got a coffee at Costa because I actually hate Starbucks. I only went in if B or Phil (and apparently Sophie) wanted to. After grabbing my coffee and a muffin for Phil as a peace offering, I hopped on the train. Well I say that, one does not simply hop onto the tube, one elbows their way through until you're actually on it. Anyway, I was buzzing to get home and tell Phil. I hoped he would understand. I was nervous to find how he felt, if he felt the same.
In the distance I could see a face I recognised.
"B!" I called. She looked up from her phone.
"Dan! Hey." She waved me over. I squished between Londoners and tourists to get to her.
"Where you headed?" I asked.
"Rian's. What about you?"
"Home. I did it. I told her I never wanted to see her again." B applauded me.
"I'm really proud of you mate. Things are looking up for you and Phil. I can feel it."
"Thanks B. This is my stop. See you later?"
"Bye Meme Queen. Good luck." She said waving me on my way.

Outside the station, I flagged a cab and pulled out my phone.
3% battery remaining
"Ugh" I whispered and shoved my phone back in my pocket.

This was it. I payed the driver and climbed the stairs to our apartment.

It was now or never...


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