Chapter 16:

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A/N: Hey guys, I hope I haven't made you cry too much yet. Just a forewarning, there is more to come.
E x

Phil's POV:
What have I done? It's all my fault. If I had believed him, he wouldn't have stormed out and got hit. But I did and now he's gone.

I picked up the phone. I didn't care what time it was, I needed someone to talk too. Before I realised what number I had dialled, it was ringing.
"Phil?" Came the surprisingly un-sleepy voice.
"H-h-hi B. I- I need to tell you something."
"What's wrong Phil? You can tell me anything.
"It's Dan." I replied, tears pricking in my eyes. There was quiet on the other end of the phone. "B? Answer me."
"I'm still here. Don't worry Philly." A sentence often said by Dan. Howells seem to have a way with making others feel safe. That was it. I broke down in tears. I didn't care that B could hear all my ugly sniffs and gulps.
"I'm on my way over right now, I'll be there in a few."
I replaced the phone to its base and sat down on the floor in the hallway. Dan's existential crisis hallway. It felt like years until B walked through the door.
"You couldn't have come soon enough. I need a Howell right now...." I said and broke down in tears again.

B's POV:
"You couldn't have come soon enough. I need a Howell right now...." he said and broke down in tears. I walked over to him and sat down, back to the wall.
"Tell me everything." I said.
"It's a long story." Phil replied.
"I've got a lot of time hun" I replied, draping my arm over his shoulders.
"It all started a week ago, at Radio 1. Dan was dru- intoxicated. He met this girl. I think she was one of the waitresses. Her name is Sophie. Dan didn't know this but I knew her. I knew her better than I would like to admit." Phil told me.
"What do you mean by that? If - If you don't mind." I questioned.
"She was my first girlfriend, my high school bully and the reason my sister died."
"Y- your sister?" I replied. Phil's head dropped, his blue eyes filling with tears. "I'm so sorry, that was so rude of me." I said quickly, staring at the carpet.
"She was beautiful. Her name was Amber, she had fiery red hair and big blue eyes. She would be the same age as you." Phil said, sobbing, "S- she died a little over 5 years ago."
"Oh my gosh Phil. I'm so sorry." I said, squeezing him into a tight hug. "If you ever need someone to talk too, I'm always available for a chat."
"Thanks. You know, you remind me a lot of her. You're like a sister to me B. If anything was to happen to you, I would be as sad as... As... Dan." He said and broke down in tears, yet again.
"Oh B. What have I done?"

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