Chapter 45: Faded memories

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Dan's POV:
I followed Phil to the door to practise my new socialising skills when I saw a beautiful girl stood on the door. She was pretty, yeah, but I wouldn't date her. She was dressed in a tight, short skirt and a cropped shirt with high heeled boots. Her hair was blonde and big and poofy. She looked a little weird to me.
"Danny!" She cried, opening her arms to hug me. My arms stayed glued to my sides. Who is this girl and why is she touching me. I thought. My confusing must have shown on my face because she went on in a bubbly high pitched voice:
"I'm Sophie. I'm your girlfriend. I visited you practically everyday and I was the best girlfriend and bought you presents!" She exclaimed, inviting herself in and sitting down in the lounge. She pulled out a box of chocolates.
"Your favourite!" She said.
"Dan doesn't like chocolate, Sophie." Phil butted in.
"Shut up, Phil. Nobody wants you here anyway."
"Um? Excuse me? I want Phil here. He's my best friend." I said, backing up my mate. Phil smiled. Sophie brushed off the comment and continued.
"Your favourite cologne" she said, pulling out a bottle of 'man perfume' as B calls it.
"I don't wear that stuff. It smells horrible." I said bluntly.
"Oh. Well I'm sure you can learn to love it. Anyway, I came to see you everyday while you were ill. Poor baby. You looked so sick. I'm so sorry for you." Sophie said.
"Um. Sophie? You didn't show your face once after you and Dan broke up." Phil almost yelled. I gasped.
"What?! We aren't even dating?" I replied, shocked that Sophie lied. She scoffed.
"Uh. Phil's just jealous of us. He want you to himself because if you go, he doesn't have anyone. Nobody. At. All. Not even a sister anymore." Sophie laughed evilly. I was confused but I still knew that what she said must have hurt Phil a lot.

Phil's POV:
That's it. She's crossed the line.
"Out. Out of my house." I yelled.
"Um. No. Dan wants me here, so I can stay." We both looked at Dan. He looked helpless. I groaned and left the room, unable to tolerate anymore bullshit from Sophie. I sat down at the table and thought. I can't just leave poor Dan in there with her. So I made myself a cup of tea and went back to sit with Dan. I opened the door just as Dan stood up.

Our eyes met across the room.

His hazel eyes, and my blue.

"Phil." He whispered.

"I remember..."

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